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- Reference Material on InstrumentationArticle - A High Temperature Direct Probe for a Mass Spectrometer Design of a Direct Exposure Probe and Controller for use ona Hewlett-Packard 5989 Mass Spectrometer SIS AP1000 AutoProbe™ SIS AP2000 AutoProbe™ - Description of System HPP7: Direct Probe Electronics Console HPP7: Direct Probe for the Agilent (HP) 5973/5975 MSD HPP7: HP Direct Probe Application Notes HPP7: Installation Directions for the Direct Probe HPP7: Side Cover for the HP 5973 MSD HPP7: Support HPP7: Probe Inlet System for the Agilent (HP) 5973 and 5975 MSD with Automatic Indexed Stops HPP7: Theory of Operation of the Direct Probe and Probe Inlet System Direct Thermal Extraction Thermal Desorption Application Notes Environmental Thermal Desorption Application Notes Food Science Thermal Desorption Application Notes Forensic Thermal Desorption Application Notes GC Cryo-Trap Application Notes Headspace Application Notes Purge & Trap Thermal Desorption Application Notes Theory of Operation of the AutoDesorb® System AutoDesorb Notes for SIS Dealers Adsorbent Resin Application Notes Installation of the Short Path Thermal Desorption System on Agilent (HP) and Other GCs Installation of the Short Path Thermal Desorption System on a Varian 3400 GC AutoDesorb® System Development Team Thermal Desorption Applications and Reference Materials Installation of the Short Path Thermal Desorption System - TD5 Part I - Design & Operation of the Short Path ThermalDesorption System Installation Instructions for the Model 951 GC Cryo-Trap on the HP 5890 Series GC Installation Instructions for the Model 961 GC Cryo-Trap on the HP 5890 Series GC Operation of the Model 951/961 GC Cryo-Trap SIS GC Cryo Traps - Theory of Operation NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Enhancements - 1998 version (NIST98) SIMION 3D Ion Optics Class Mass Spectrometer Source Cleaning Methods MS Tip: Mass Spectrometer Source Cleaning Procedures Mass Spec Source Cleaning Procedures Micro-Mesh® Abrasive Sheets Research Papers Using New Era Syringe Pump Systems EI Positive Ion Spectra for Perfluorokerosene (PFK) Cap Liner Information How do I convert between fluid oz and milliliters? Which bottle material should I choose? Which bottle mouth should I choose? The Bottle Selection Guide CGA Connections for Gas Tanks Chemical Reaction Interface Mass Spectrometry (CRIMS)
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- Thermal Desorption Applications and Reference MaterialsDirect Thermal Extraction Headspace Environmental Food Science Applications Pharmaceuticals Forensic Note 103: EPA Method 325B, Novel Thermal Desorption Instrument Modification to Improve Sensitivity Note 102: Identification of Contaminants in Powdered Beverages by Direct Extraction Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 101: Identification of Contaminants in Powdered Foods by Direct Extraction Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 100: Volatile and Semi-Volatile Profile Comparison of Whole Versus Cracked Versus Dry Homogenized Barley Grains by Direct Thermal Extraction Note 99: Volatile and Semi-Volatile Profile Comparison of Whole vs. Dry Homogenized Wheat, Rye and Barley Grains by Direct Thermal Extraction GC/MS Note 98: Flavor and Aroma Profiles of Truffle Oils by Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 97: Flavor Profiles of Imported and Domestic Beers by Purge & Trap Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 95: Detection of Explosives on Clothing Material by Direct and AirSampling Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 94: Detection of Nepetalactone in the Nepeta Cataria Plant by Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 93: Detection of Benzene in Carbonated Beverages with Purge & Trap Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 88: Analysis of Silicone Contaminants on Electronic Components by Thermal Desorption GC-MS Note 84: Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filters - Charcoal Exhaust Traps Note 83: Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filters - Oil Mist Eliminators Note 82: Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filters Note 80: Design, Development and Testing of a Microprocessor ControlledAutomated Short Path Thermal Desorption Apparatus Note 79: Volatile Organic Compounds From Electron Beam Cured and Partially Electron Beam Cured Packaging Using Automated Short Path Thermal Desorption Note 77: The Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in VacuumSystem Components Note 75: An Apparatus for Sampling Volatile Organics From LivePlant Material Using Short Path Thermal Desorption Note 73: The Analysis of Perfumes and their Effect on Indoor Air Pollution Note 71: Flavor Profile Determination of Rice Samples Using Shor tPath Thermal Desorption GC Methods Note 65: Determination of Ethylene by Adsorbent Trapping and Thermal Desorption - Gas Chromatography Note 64: Comparison of Various GC/MS Techniques For the Analysis of Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum) Note 63: Determination of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics in Printer Toners Using Thermal Desorption GC Techniques Note 60: Programmable Temperature Ramping of Samples Analyzed ViaDirect Thermal Extraction GC/MS Note 57: Aroma Profiles of Lavandula species Note 55: Seasonal Variation in Flower Volatiles Note 54: Identification of Volatile Organic Compounds in Office Products Note 43: Volatile Organic Composition In Blueberries Note 42: The Influence of Pump Oil Purity on Roughing Pumps Note 41: Hydrocarbon Production in Pine by Direct Thermal Extraction Note 40: Comparison of Septa by Direct Thermal Extraction Note 39: Comparison of Sensitivity Of Headspace GC, Purge and Trap Thermal Desorption and Direct Thermal Extraction Techniques For Volatile Organics Note 38: A New Micro Cryo-Trap For Trapping Of Volatiles At the Front Of a GC Capillary Column Note 37: Volatile Organic Emissions from Automobile Tires Note 36: Identification Of Volatile Organic Compounds In a New Automobile Note 35: Volatile Organics Composition of Cranberries Note 34: Selection Of Thermal Desorption and Cryo-Trap Parameters In the Analysis Of Teas Note 33: Changes in Volatile Organic Composition in Milk Over Time Note 32: Selection and Use of Adsorbent Resins for Purge and Trap Thermal Desorption Applications Note 31: Volatile Organic Composition in Several Cultivars of Peaches Note 30: Comparison Of Cooking Oils By Direct Thermal Extraction and Purge and Trap GC/MS Note 29: Analysis Of Volatile Organics In Oil Base Paints By Automated Headspace Sampling and GC Cryo-Focusing Note 28: Analysis Of Volatile Organics In Latex Paints By Automated Headspace Sampling and GC Cryo-Focusing Note 27: Analysis of Volatile Organics In Soils By Automated Headspace GC Note 26: Volatile Organics Present in Recycled Air Aboard a Commercial Airliner Note 25: Flavor and Aroma in Natural Bee Honey Note 24: Selection of GC Guard Columns For Use With the GC Cryo-Trap Note 23: Frangrance Qualities in Colognes Note 22: Comparison Of Volatile Compounds In Latex Paints Note 21: Detection and Identification Of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics In Synthetic Polymers Used In Food and Pharmaceutical Packaging Note 20: Using Direct Thermal Desorption to Assess the Potential Pool of Styrene and 4-Phenylcyclohexene In Latex-Backed Carpets Note 19: A New Programmable Cryo-Cooling/Heating Trap for the Cryo-Focusing of Volatiles and Semi-Volatiles at the Head of GC Capillary Columns Note 18: Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds In Mushrooms Note 17: Identification of Volatile Organics in Wines Over Time Note 16: Analysis of Indoor Air and Sources of Indoor Air Contamination by Thermal Desorption Note 14: Identification of Volatiles and Semi-Volatiles In Carbonated Colas Note 13: Identification and Quantification of Semi-Volatiles In Soil Using Direct Thermal Desorption Note 12: Identification of the Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics In Chewing Gums By Direct Thermal Desorption Note 11: Flavor/Fragrance Profiles of Instant and Ground Coffees By Short Path Thermal Desorption Note 10: Quantification of Naphthalene In a Contaminated Pharmaceutical Product By Short Path Thermal Desorption Note 9: Methodologies For the Quantification Of Purge and Trap Thermal Desorption and Direct Thermal Desorption Analyses Note 8: Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds In Liquids Utilizing the Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 7: Chemical Residue Analysis of Pharmaceuticals Using The Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 6: Direct Thermal Analysis of Plastic Food Wraps Using the Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 5: Direct Thermal Analysis Using the Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 4: Direct Analysis of Spices and Coffee Note 3: Indoor Air Pollution Note 2: Detection of Arson Accelerants Using Dynamic Headspace with Tenax® Cartridges Thermal Desorption and Cryofocusing Note 1: Determination of Off-Odors and Other Volatile Organics In Food Packaging Films By Direct Thermal Analysis-GC-MS
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- Forensic Thermal Desorption Application NotesNote 95: Detection of Explosives on Clothing Material by Direct and AirSampling Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 42: The Influence of Pump Oil Purity on Roughing Pumps Note 41: Hydrocarbon Production in Pine by Direct Thermal Extraction Note 40: Comparison of Septa by Direct Thermal Extraction Note 39: Comparison of Sensitivity Of Headspace GC, Purge and Trap Thermal Desorption and Direct Thermal Extraction Techniques For Volatile Organics Note 37: Volatile Organic Emissions from Automobile Tires Note 29: Analysis Of Volatile Organics In Oil Base Paints By Automated Headspace Sampling and GC Cryo-Focusing Note 28: Analysis Of Volatile Organics In Latex Paints By Automated Headspace Sampling and GC Cryo-Focusing Note 27: Analysis of Volatile Organics In Soils By Automated Headspace GC Note 23: Frangrance Qualities in Colognes Note 22: Comparison Of Volatile Compounds In Latex Paints Note 21: Detection and Identification Of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics In Synthetic Polymers Used In Food and Pharmaceutical Packaging Note 20: Using Direct Thermal Desorption to Assess the Potential Pool of Styrene and 4-Phenylcyclohexene In Latex-Backed Carpets Note 7: Chemical Residue Analysis of Pharmaceuticals Using The Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 6: Direct Thermal Analysis of Plastic Food Wraps Using the Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 5: Direct Thermal Analysis Using the Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 3: Indoor Air Pollution Note 2: Detection of Arson Accelerants Using Dynamic Headspace with Tenax® Cartridges Thermal Desorption and Cryofocusing Note 1: Determination of Off-Odors and Other Volatile Organics In Food Packaging Films By Direct Thermal Analysis-GC-MS
- Direct Thermal Extraction Thermal Desorption Application NotesNote 103: EPA Method 325B, Novel Thermal Desorption Instrument Modification to Improve Sensitivity Note 102: Identification of Contaminants in Powdered Beverages by Direct Extraction Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 101: Identification of Contaminants in Powdered Foods by Direct Extraction Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 100: Volatile and Semi-Volatile Profile Comparison of Whole Versus Cracked Versus Dry Homogenized Barley Grains by Direct Thermal Extraction Note 99: Volatile and Semi-Volatile Profile Comparison of Whole vs. Dry Homogenized Wheat, Rye and Barley Grains by Direct Thermal Extraction GC/MS Note 98: Flavor and Aroma Profiles of Truffle Oils by Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 95: Detection of Explosives on Clothing Material by Direct and AirSampling Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 94: Detection of Nepetalactone in the Nepeta Cataria Plant by Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 41: Hydrocarbon Production in Pine by Direct Thermal Extraction Note 40: Comparison of Septa by Direct Thermal Extraction Note 39: Comparison of Sensitivity Of Headspace GC, Purge and Trap Thermal Desorption and Direct Thermal Extraction Techniques For Volatile Organics Note 37: Volatile Organic Emissions from Automobile Tires Note 30: Comparison Of Cooking Oils By Direct Thermal Extraction and Purge and Trap GC/MS Note 21: Detection and Identification Of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics In Synthetic Polymers Used In Food and Pharmaceutical Packaging Note 20: Using Direct Thermal Desorption to Assess the Potential Pool of Styrene and 4-Phenylcyclohexene In Latex-Backed Carpets Note 13: Identification and Quantification of Semi-Volatiles In Soil Using Direct Thermal Desorption Note 12: Identification of the Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics In Chewing Gums By Direct Thermal Desorption Note 11: Flavor/Fragrance Profiles of Instant and Ground Coffees By Short Path Thermal Desorption Note 10: Quantification of Naphthalene In a Contaminated Pharmaceutical Product By Short Path Thermal Desorption Note 9: Methodologies For the Quantification Of Purge and Trap Thermal Desorption and Direct Thermal Desorption Analyses Note 7: Chemical Residue Analysis of Pharmaceuticals Using The Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 6: Direct Thermal Analysis of Plastic Food Wraps Using the Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 5: Direct Thermal Analysis Using the Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 4: Direct Analysis of Spices and Coffee Note 1: Determination of Off-Odors and Other Volatile Organics In Food Packaging Films By Direct Thermal Analysis-GC-MS
- Purge & Trap Thermal Desorption Application NotesNote 97: Flavor Profiles of Imported and Domestic Beers by Purge & Trap Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 93: Detection of Benzene in Carbonated Beverages with Purge & Trap Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 43: Volatile Organic Composition In Blueberries Note 42: The Influence of Pump Oil Purity on Roughing Pumps Note 38: A New Micro Cryo-Trap For Trapping Of Volatiles At the Front Of a GC Capillary Column Note 35: Volatile Organics Composition of Cranberries Note 34: Selection Of Thermal Desorption and Cryo-Trap Parameters In the Analysis Of Teas Note 33: Changes in Volatile Organic Composition in Milk Over Time Note 32: Selection and Use of Adsorbent Resins for Purge and Trap Thermal Desorption Applications Note 31: Volatile Organic Composition in Several Cultivars of Peaches Note 30: Comparison Of Cooking Oils By Direct Thermal Extraction and Purge and Trap GC/MS Note 26: Volatile Organics Present in Recycled Air Aboard a Commercial Airliner Note 25: Flavor and Aroma in Natural Bee Honey Note 23: Frangrance Qualities in Colognes Note 22: Comparison Of Volatile Compounds In Latex Paints Note 21: Detection and Identification Of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics In Synthetic Polymers Used In Food and Pharmaceutical Packaging Note 20: Using Direct Thermal Desorption to Assess the Potential Pool of Styrene and 4-Phenylcyclohexene In Latex-Backed Carpets Note 18: Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds In Mushrooms Note 17: Identification of Volatile Organics in Wines Over Time Note 16: Analysis of Indoor Air and Sources of Indoor Air Contamination by Thermal Desorption Note 14: Identification of Volatiles and Semi-Volatiles In Carbonated Colas Note 8: Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds In Liquids Utilizing the Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 3: Indoor Air Pollution Note 2: Detection of Arson Accelerants Using Dynamic Headspace with Tenax® Cartridges Thermal Desorption and Cryofocusing
- Application NotesNote 103: EPA Method 325B, Novel Thermal Desorption Instrument Modification to Improve Sensitivity Note 102: Identification of Contaminants in Powdered Beverages by Direct Extraction Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 101: Identification of Contaminants in Powdered Foods by Direct Extraction Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 100: Volatile and Semi-Volatile Profile Comparison of Whole Versus Cracked Versus Dry Homogenized Barley Grains by Direct Thermal Extraction Note 99: Volatile and Semi-Volatile Profile Comparison of Whole vs. Dry Homogenized Wheat, Rye and Barley Grains by Direct Thermal Extraction GC/MS Note 98: Flavor and Aroma Profiles of Truffle Oils by Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 97: Flavor Profiles of Imported and Domestic Beers by Purge & Trap Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 96: Reducing Warping in Mass Spectrometer Filaments, with SISAlloy® Yttria/Rhenium Filaments Note 95: Detection of Explosives on Clothing Material by Direct and AirSampling Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 94: Detection of Nepetalactone in the Nepeta Cataria Plant by Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 93: Detection of Benzene in Carbonated Beverages with Purge & Trap Thermal Desorption GC/MS Note 92: Yttria Coated Mass Spectrometer Filaments Note 91: AutoProbe DEP Probe Tip Temperatures Note 90: An Automated MS Direct Probe for use in an Open Access Environment Note 89: Quantitation of Organics via a Mass Spectrometer Automated Direct Probe Note 88: Analysis of Silicone Contaminants on Electronic Components by Thermal Desorption GC-MS Note 87: Design and Development of an Automated Direct Probe for a Mass Spectrometer Note 86: Simulation of a Unique Cylindrical Quadrupole Mass Analyzer Using SIMION 7.0. Note 85: Replacing an Electron Multiplier in the Agilent (HP) 5973 MSD Note 84: Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filters - Charcoal Exhaust Traps Note 83: Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filters - Oil Mist Eliminators Note 82: Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filters Note 81: Rapid Bacterial Chemotaxonomy By DirectProbe/MSD Note 80: Design, Development and Testing of a Microprocessor ControlledAutomated Short Path Thermal Desorption Apparatus Note 79: Volatile Organic Compounds From Electron Beam Cured and Partially Electron Beam Cured Packaging Using Automated Short Path Thermal Desorption Note 78: A New Solution to Eliminate MS Down-Time With No-Tool-Changing of Analytical GC Columns Note 77: The Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in VacuumSystem Components Note 76: Determination of the Sensitivity of a CRIMS System Note 75: An Apparatus for Sampling Volatile Organics From LivePlant Material Using Short Path Thermal Desorption Note 74: Examination of Source Design in Electrospray-TOF Using SIMION 3D Note 73: The Analysis of Perfumes and their Effect on Indoor Air Pollution Note 72: 1998 Version of the NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library, NIST98 Note 71: Flavor Profile Determination of Rice Samples Using Shor tPath Thermal Desorption GC Methods Note 70: Application of SIMION 6.0 To a Study of the Finkelstein Ion Source: Part II Note 69: Application of SIMION 6.0 To a Study of the Finkelstein Ion Source: Part 1 Note 68: Use of a PC Plug-In UV-Vis Spectrometer To Monitor the Plasma Conditions In GC-CRIMS Note 67: Using Chemical Reaction Interface Mass Spectrometry (CRIMS) To Monitor Bacterial Transport In In Situ Bioremediation Note 66: Probe Tip Design For the Optimization of Direct Insertion Probe Performance Note 65: Determination of Ethylene by Adsorbent Trapping and Thermal Desorption - Gas Chromatography Note 64: Comparison of Various GC/MS Techniques For the Analysis of Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum) Note 63: Determination of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics in Printer Toners Using Thermal Desorption GC Techniques Note 62: Analysis of Polymer Samples Using a Direct Insertion Probe and EI Ionization Note 61: Analysis of Sugars Via a New DEP Probe Tip For Use With theDirect Probe On the HP5973 MSD Note 60: Programmable Temperature Ramping of Samples Analyzed ViaDirect Thermal Extraction GC/MS Note 59: Computer Modeling of a TOF Reflectron With Gridless Reflector Using SIMION 3D Note 58: Direct Probe Analysis and Identification of Multicomponent Pharmaceutical Samples via Electron Impact MS Note 57: Aroma Profiles of Lavandula species Note 56: Mass Spec Maintenance & Cleaning Utilizing Micro-Mesh® Abrasive Sheets Note 55: Seasonal Variation in Flower Volatiles Note 54: Identification of Volatile Organic Compounds in Office Products Note 53: SIMION 3D v6.0 Ion Optics Simulation Software Note 52: Computer Modeling of Ion Optics in Time-of-Flight mass Spectrometry Using SIMION 3D Note 51: Development and Characterization of a New Chemical Reaction Interface for the Detection of Nonradioisotopically Labeled Analytes Using Mass Spectrometry (CRIMS) Note 50: The Analysis of Multiple Component Drug Samples Using a Direct Probe Interfaced to the HP 5973 MSD Note 49: Analysis of Cocaine Utilizing a New Direct Insertion Probe on a Hewlett Packard 5973 MSD Note 48: Demonstration of Sensitivity Levels For the Detection of Caffeine Using a New Direct Probe and Inlet for the HP 5973 MSD Note 47: The Application Of SIMION 6.0 To Problems In Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Note 46: Delayed Extraction and Laser Desorption: Time-lag Focusing and Beyond Note 45: Application of SIMION 6.0 to Filament Design for Mass Spectrometer Ionization Sources Note 44: The Design Of a New Direct Probe Inlet For a Mass Spectrometer Note 43: Volatile Organic Composition In Blueberries Note 42: The Influence of Pump Oil Purity on Roughing Pumps Note 41: Hydrocarbon Production in Pine by Direct Thermal Extraction Note 40: Comparison of Septa by Direct Thermal Extraction Note 39: Comparison of Sensitivity Of Headspace GC, Purge and Trap Thermal Desorption and Direct Thermal Extraction Techniques For Volatile Organics Note 38: A New Micro Cryo-Trap For Trapping Of Volatiles At the Front Of a GC Capillary Column Note 37: Volatile Organic Emissions from Automobile Tires Note 36: Identification Of Volatile Organic Compounds In a New Automobile Note 35: Volatile Organics Composition of Cranberries Note 34: Selection Of Thermal Desorption and Cryo-Trap Parameters In the Analysis Of Teas Note 33: Changes in Volatile Organic Composition in Milk Over Time Note 32: Selection and Use of Adsorbent Resins for Purge and Trap Thermal Desorption Applications Note 31: Volatile Organic Composition in Several Cultivars of Peaches Note 30: Comparison Of Cooking Oils By Direct Thermal Extraction and Purge and Trap GC/MS Note 29: Analysis Of Volatile Organics In Oil Base Paints By Automated Headspace Sampling and GC Cryo-Focusing Note 28: Analysis Of Volatile Organics In Latex Paints By Automated Headspace Sampling and GC Cryo-Focusing Note 27: Analysis of Volatile Organics In Soils By Automated Headspace GC Note 26: Volatile Organics Present in Recycled Air Aboard a Commercial Airliner Note 25: Flavor and Aroma in Natural Bee Honey Note 24: Selection of GC Guard Columns For Use With the GC Cryo-Trap Note 23: Frangrance Qualities in Colognes Note 22: Comparison Of Volatile Compounds In Latex Paints Note 21: Detection and Identification Of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics In Synthetic Polymers Used In Food and Pharmaceutical Packaging Note 20: Using Direct Thermal Desorption to Assess the Potential Pool of Styrene and 4-Phenylcyclohexene In Latex-Backed Carpets Note 19: A New Programmable Cryo-Cooling/Heating Trap for the Cryo-Focusing of Volatiles and Semi-Volatiles at the Head of GC Capillary Columns Note 18: Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds In Mushrooms Note 17: Identification of Volatile Organics in Wines Over Time Note 16: Analysis of Indoor Air and Sources of Indoor Air Contamination by Thermal Desorption Note 14: Identification of Volatiles and Semi-Volatiles In Carbonated Colas Note 13: Identification and Quantification of Semi-Volatiles In Soil Using Direct Thermal Desorption Note 12: Identification of the Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics In Chewing Gums By Direct Thermal Desorption Note 11: Flavor/Fragrance Profiles of Instant and Ground Coffees By Short Path Thermal Desorption Note 10: Quantification of Naphthalene In a Contaminated Pharmaceutical Product By Short Path Thermal Desorption Note 9: Methodologies For the Quantification Of Purge and Trap Thermal Desorption and Direct Thermal Desorption Analyses Note 8: Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds In Liquids Utilizing the Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 7: Chemical Residue Analysis of Pharmaceuticals Using The Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 6: Direct Thermal Analysis of Plastic Food Wraps Using the Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 5: Direct Thermal Analysis Using the Short Path Thermal Desorption System Note 4: Direct Analysis of Spices and Coffee Note 3: Indoor Air Pollution Note 2: Detection of Arson Accelerants Using Dynamic Headspace with Tenax® Cartridges Thermal Desorption and Cryofocusing Note 1: Determination of Off-Odors and Other Volatile Organics In Food Packaging Films By Direct Thermal Analysis-GC-MS Tech No. "A" Note 14: Elimination of "Memory" Peaks in Thermal Desorption Improving Sensitivity in the H.P. 5971 MSD and Other Mass Spectrometers - Part I of II Improving Sensitivity in the H.P. 5971 MSD and Other Mass Spectrometers- Part II of II Adsorbent Resins Guide Development and Field Tests of an Automated Pyrolysis Insert for Gas Chromatography. Hydrocarbon Production in Pine by Direct Thermal Extraction A New Micro Cryo-Trap for the Trapping of Volatiles at the Front of a GC Capillary (019P) - Comparison of Septa by Direct Thermal Extraction Volatile Organic Composition in Blueberry Identification of Volatile Organic Compounds in Office Products Detection and Indentification of Volatiles in Oil Base Paintsby Headspace GC with On Column Cryo-Trapping Evaluation of Septa Using a Direct Thermal Extraction Technique INFLUENCE OF STORAGE ON BLUEBERRY VOLATILES Selection of Thermal Desorption and Cryo-Trap Parameters in the Analysis of Teas Redesign and Performance of a Diffusion Based Solvent Removal Interface for LC/MS The Design of a New Direct Probe Inlet for a Mass Spectrometer Analytes Using Mass Spectrometry (CRIMS) Application of SIMION 6.0 to Filament Design for Mass Spectrometer Ionization Sources A Student Guide for SIMION Modeling Software Application of SIMION 6.0 to Problems in Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry Comparison of Sensitivity of Headspace GC, Purge and TrapThermal Desorption and Direct Thermal Extraction Techniques forVolatile Organics The Influence of Pump Oil Purity on Roughing Pumps Analysis of Motor Oils Using Thermal Desorption-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry IDENTIFICATION OF VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN PAPER PRODUCTS Computer Modeling of Ion Optics in Time-of-Flight mass Spectrometry using SIMION 3D Seasonal Variation in Flower Volatiles Development of and Automated Microprocessor Controlled Gas chromatograph Fraction Collector / Olfactometer Delayed Extraction and Laser Desorption: Time-lag Focusing and Beyond A New Micro Cryo-Trap for the Trapping of Volatiles at the Front of a GC Column Design of a Microprocessor Controlled Short Path Thermal Desorption Autosampler Computer Modeling of Ion Optics in Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Using SIMION 3D Thermal Desorption Instrumentation for Characterization of Odors and Flavors
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- Note 20: Using Direct Thermal Desorption to Assess the Potential Pool of Styrene and 4-Phenylcyclohexene In Latex-Backed Carpets (This Page)
By Michele E. Lee, Natalie E. Takenaka, Frederick A. Breland and Dwight Miller
National Center For Toxioogical Research, FDA, Jefferson, AR 72079
Indoor air pollution, including the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC's) from carpets, has been associated with Sick building syndrome and Building-related illness. The styrene-butadiene-rubber (SBR) latex glue used in the manufacturing of carpets gives rise to styrene and 4-phenylcyclohexene (4-PC), two VOC's associated with these phenomena. Styrene is a residue from the polymerization reaction, and 4-PC results from a thermally controlled (and thermally allowed) [4+2] cycloaddition reaction between styrene and butadiene during the polymerization reaction (3). Several researchers have identified 4-PC in synthetic carpets using headspace analysis (4) and gas phase stripping (5).
Short path direct thermal desorption (DTD) is a technique used to desorb VOC's directly from solid samples.(6) The advantages of short path DTD are (a) no sample preparation is required, (b) Memory effects and analyte degradation are minimized due to short transfer lines, and (c) increased sample delivery leads to modest sample sizes and improved sensitivity. VOC's in plastic wrap, a high molecular weight polymer, have been identified via DTD (7). The classes of compounds found included aliphatic and olefinic hydrocarbons, alcohols, aromatics and phthalates. Using DTD, we describe the semi-quantification of styrene and 4-PC in another polymer, SBR latex-backed carpets.
Styrene (Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, WI), styrene-d8 (Aldrich Chemical Co.) and absolute ethanol (Midwest Grain Products, Perkin, IL) were purchased from sources indicated. A sample of 4-PC was provided by Dr. John W. Waechter, Jr., Dow Chemical Co., Midland, MI.
Carpet samples were obtained directly from the manufacturers by representatives of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The samples (nine samples of the same carpet type per bag, each approximately 30 cm X 30 cm) were heat-sealed in Tedlar bags and shipped to the National Center for Toxicological Research for analysis. The samples remained in the sealed bags until the analyses were conducted.
The linear regression analyses were performed on a personal computer using the statistics package SPSS for Windows, Release 5.0 by SPSS Inc. (Chicago, IL).
Direct Thermal Desorption
Thermal Desorption Tubes:
Glass wool was silylated with dimethyldichlorosilane. The glass wool (10g) was immersed in dimethyldichloro-silane/methylene chloride (10 mL/100 mL), and sonicated for 10 min. It was then rinsed two times for 30 min with methanol/methylene chloride (1:1, 100 mL) using the ultrasonic bath, and dried in an oven at 100 degrees C.
Stainless steel glass-lined thermal desorption tubes were packed with 50 mg of Tenax® TA (35/60 mesh, Alltech Associates, Deerfield, IL) or a mixed bed of 50 mg each Tenax TA and Carbotrap (20/40 mesh, Supelco, Bellefonte, PA). The tubes were prepared by inserting, in order, a plug of silylated glass wool, Tenax TA or Tenax TA and Carbotrap, and another plug of silylated glass wool. The packed tubes were conditioned in a Scientific Instrument Services Short Path Thermal Desorption Conditioning System (Ringoes, NJ) at 320 degrees C for four hours with a flow of helium at 40 mL/min. The tubes were removed from the heater block, cooled for 10 min under a stream of helium, and capped as soon as possible. The conditioned tubes were stored in capped test tubes until needed.
The standard response curves were generated using the mixed bed desorption tubes. The DTD of the carpet samples was carried out in the desorption tubes packed with Tenax TA.
Thermal Desorption
Samples were thermally desorbed using a Scientific Instrument Services Short Path Thermal Desorption System, model TD-1. The desorption time was 10 min at 250 degrees C, with a helium flow of 20 mL/min.
Samples were desorbed directly into the GC injection port of a Hewlett Packard GC-MS system equipped with a 30 m DB-1 column, with the head being held at -40 degrees C. The sample was cryofocused at the head of the GC column, the column temperature was raised to 20 degrees C at 30 degrees C/min, held for three min, then increased to 230 degrees C at 10 degrees C/min, where it was held for an additional 10 minutes. Limited scan data from m/z 90 to 190 were collected 17.5 min after the start of the chromatographic run.
Standard Solutions
A stock solution of styrene and 4-PC was prepared by dissolving 1 µL (910 µg) of styrene and 1 µL (1020 µg) of 4-PC in 10.0 mL of absolute ethanol. The resulting solution concentration was 91 µg/mL and 102 µg/mL of styrene and 4-PC, respectively. The stock solution was diluted serially with ethanol to yield a solution of 18.2 µg/mL and 20.4 µg/mL of styrene and 4-PC, respectively.
A stock solution of styrene-d8 was prepared by dissolving 7.1 mg of styrene-d8 in 10.0 mL of absolute ethanol, resulting in a concentration of 710 µg/mL. The stock solution was further diluted with ethanol to yield a solution of concentration 14.2 µg/mL.
Direct Solution Loading
The desorption tubes were fitted with caps containing a 1.0 mm diameter hole and high temperature green septa. A 10 µL syringe was used to load 1-5 µL of standard solution through the septum and into the glass wool plug in the tube. The ethanol was purged with helium at a flow of 60 mL/min for five min through the septum. The standards were loaded from the Tenax TA side of the mixed beds. The internal standard, styrene-d8, was added prior to either the styrene or 4-PC.
Direct Thermal Desorption Of Carpet Samples
Samples (approximately 1 cm X 3 cm) of carpet were cut from the larger piece of carpet. The carpet pile was removed, leaving the carpet backing. A subsample of the carpet backing (8 -112 mg) was placed in a Tenax TA thermal desorption tube and analyzed as previously described.
Results And Discussion
Carpet Sample Description
The industrial designations of the collected commercial carpet samples were nylon with SBR latex backing (CNL1, CNL2 and CNL3).
The industrial designations of the collected residential carpet samples were as follows: nylon with latex backing (RNL4, RNL5 and RNL6), wool with latex backing (RWL7 and RWL8), polyester with latex backing (REL9 and REL10) and polypropylene with latex backing (RPL11).
Standard Response Curve Generation
Typically, standard response curves have been generated via gas phase loading of desorption tubes (8) or via direct injection (9). We developed a direct loading method, using solutions of analyte in ethanol. The samples were loaded in Tenax TA/Carbotrap thermal desorption tubes and analyzed via GC-MS as delineated in the experimental section.
The suitability of styrene-d8 as an internal standard was verified by generating a standard response curve of detector response (determined via the area of 112 m/z) versus weight of styrene-d8 The equation of the resulting line was y = 0.926 x - 3.69, with a correlation coefficient of 0.985. The m/z 112 response versus the amount of styrene-d8 was demonstrated to be linear between 21.3 and 106.5 ng. The amount of styrene-d8 added to each sample was within the linear region of the line.
The styrene and 4-PC standard response curves were generated by loading styrene-d8 and a styrene/4-PC solution in a Tenax TA/Carbotrap desorption tube. The samples were analyzed by GC-MS, and the ratio of the area of styrene m/z 104 to the styrene-d8 m/z 112 versus the amount of styrene was analyzed by linear regression. The equation of the resulting line was y = 0.1965 x + 0.0908, with a correlation coefficient of 0.997 (Figure 1). In analogous fashion, the 4-PC standard response curve was generated. The equation of the line was y = 0.0542 x + 1.35, and the correlation coefficient was 0.993 (Figure 1).
Direct solution loading versus gas phase loading (8) of standards eliminated the surface sink of the gas-expansion chamber, the syringe and the packed column injection port (used to introduce the gaseous VOC's onto the Tenax TA/Carbotrap desorption tubes), as well as any Memory Effects associated with gas phase loading, and the limitations caused by the volatilization of the semi-volatile 4-PC.
Figure 1 - Standard Response Curve: Ratio of Styrene To Styrene-d8 vs ng of Styrene and Ratio of 4-PC To Styrene-d8 vs ng of 4-PC.
Direct Thermal Desorption Analysis
Styrene and 4-PC released from a carpet sample were quantified by placing a known amount of carpet backing in a Tenax TA desorption tube that had previously been loaded with styrene-d8. The samples were analyzed by GC-MS.
Initially, DTD of approximately 50 mg of carpet backing with styrene-d8 was used to determine the sample size necessary for the analytes to be within the range of the standard response curve. This allowed the observation of styrene at 22.1 min and 4-PC at 30 min. The weight of the carpet backing was adjusted accordingly, and the amount of styrene and 4-PC was determined for the latex backed carpets. The results are summarized in Table I.
Table I: Amount of Styrene and 4-PC in Latex Backing Carpet Stryene/Carpet 4-PC/Carpet Carpet Weight (ng/mg) (ng/mg) Sample mg) m/z 104 m/z 104, 158 ---------- -------------- ------------ -------------- CNL1 40 2.41 ** 7 * 45.0 CNL2 39 1.30 ** 11 * 37.6 CNL3 111 2.03 ** 8 * 17.6 RNL4 10 2.39 23.2 RNL5 34 0.536 11.7 RNL6 25 3.46 16.8 RWL7 105 0.231 ** 15 * 21.0 RWL8 41 * 11.8 REL9 12 5.49 3.49 REL10 10 9.35 10.2 RPL11 18 9.34 8.44 * Not detected, measurement below detection limit (10ng) ** Measurements above the highest calibration point (500ng)
Styrene and 4-PC were present in both residential and commercial carpets having latex glue backing: styrene, because it was present in excess from the polymerization of styrene and butadiene to form SBR latex, and 4-PC due to a side reaction in the preparation of SBR latex.
These studies should not preclude the possibility of other VOC's in carpets. They should, however, illustrate the use of solution loading for standard response curve generation, and the subsequent ease of quantifying VOC's in solid samples via DTD.
DTD provided a measure of the total emission pool that may be expected for 4-PC and styrene in latex-back carpet.
Partial support for this work was provided by the Consumer Product Safety Commission under Interagency Agreement number CPSC-IAG-90-1212.
One of us (N.E.T.) was supported in part by an appointment to the ORISE Postgraduate Research Program at the National Center for Toxicological Research, which is Administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education through an interagency agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
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aArticle contributed by Michelle E. Lee, Natalie E. Takenaka, Frederick A. Beland, Dwight W. Miller
National Center for Toxicological Research
Food and Drug Administration
Jefferson, AR 72079