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Reference Material on Instrumentation


HPP7 MS Probe (597X)

Thermal Desorption


NIST / SIMION Software

  • NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Enhancements - 1998 version (NIST98)NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Enhancements - 1998 version
    By O. David Sparkman Evaluated and Expanded for Quality Figure 1. The NIST Mass Spectral Search Program with all seven of its Windows displayed. Added Features for Quality Prior to 1998, it had been six years since NIST released its last version of the NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Library. During that period, NIST has completed a ten-year project to completely evaluate the Library. As this process progressed, NIST was able to generate a number of spectra and acquire several important collections o...
  • SIMION 3D Ion Optics ClassSIMION 3D Ion Optics Class
    Adaptas/SIS has in the past offered a one or two day course on the use and application of the SIMION 3D Ion Optics Simulation Software. No classes are currently formally scheduled at this time.


  • Mass Spectrometer Source Cleaning MethodsMass Spectrometer Source Cleaning Methods
    Note: This article on MS source cleaning methods was published in the SIS Mass Spec Source Newsletter. Please instead see MS Tips: Mass Spectrometer Source Cleaning Methods for the latest version of this article. Scientific Instrument Services, Inc. June 2002 Mass Spectrometer Source Cleaning Methods Revised 6/1/02 Copyright: Scientific Instrument Services, June 2002, All rights reserved by John J. Manura, Scientific Instrument Services, Ringoes, NJ The following is a compilation of the procedu...
  • MS Tip: Mass Spectrometer Source Cleaning ProceduresMS Tip: Mass Spectrometer Source Cleaning Procedures
    Revised 6/1/02 Copyright: Scientific Instrument Services, June 2002, All rights reserved by John J. Manura, Scientific Instrument Services, Ringoes, NJ The following is a compilation of the procedures used by Scientific Instrument Services for the cleaning of mass spectrometer sources over the last 25 years. This article incorporates the current techniques used at SIS as well as procedures reported in our Mass Spec Handbook of Service (published in 1983 and now out of print), articles published ...
  • Mass Spec Source Cleaning ProceduresMass Spec Source Cleaning Procedures
    John J. Manura Scientific Instrument Services Finnigan 3200, HP5971 and HP5970 Sources In Volume I of the Mass Spec Handbook of Service (Scientific Instrument Services, #MSHS-1, 1983), we published a series of articles on the cleaning of mass spectrometer sources and other mass spectrometer parts. These articles described a wide range of techniques and available equipment for the cleaning of metal parts, ceramics and other insulating materials. Over the last 10 years, we have refined several of ...
  • Micro-Mesh® Abrasive SheetsMicro-Mesh® Abrasive Sheets
    Article on Micro-Mesh®

New Era Syringe Pump


  • EI Positive Ion Spectra for Perfluorokerosene (PFK)EI Positive Ion Spectra for Perfluorokerosene
    Data Courtesy Dr. Thomas Hartman, Center for Advance Food Technology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ PFK Calibration Compound For Mass Spectrometers m/z Rel. Abundance Formula Exact Mass ------- -------------- ------- ---------- 18.01 30.00 28.01 50.00 31.0 3.80 CF 30.99840 39.96 1.70 51.00 6.70 69.00 100.00 C1F3 68.99521 81.00 0.50 C2F3 80.99521 84.97 1.00 93.00 3.30 C3F3 92.99521 99.99 5.60 C2F4 99.99361 118.99 26.40 C2F5 118.99201 130.99 24.00 C3F5 118.99201 142.99 1.90 C4F5 142.99201...


  • Cap Liner InformationCap Liner Information
    Note: the selection of the liner is by far the most important step which will determine the success or failure of your package. Wheaton recommends the the following criteria for liner selection: Conformity to regulations - EPA and PDA Chemical resistance Sealing ability against moisture/gas gain or loss, leakage, pressure buildup, and corrosive packaging Avoidance of "overpackaging" - selecting the most economical liner for the required applications Material Description Applications Poly-vinyl ...
  • How do I convert between fluid oz and milliliters?How do I convert between fluid oz and milliliters?
    1 fluid oz is approximately 30 mL.
  • Which bottle material should I choose?Which bottle material should I choose?
    Clear and Amber Glass in different types.
  • Which bottle mouth should I choose?Which bottle mouth should I choose?
    Wide: Allows access to container contents with pipette, spatula, and other sampling instruments. Narrow: Prevents accidental splurging when pouring liquid samples.
  • The Bottle Selection GuideThe Bottle Selection Guide
    This guide provides information useful in selecting bottles for your applications. Much of this information is provided courtesy of Wheaton Science Products. Caps Capacity Material Mouth

Gas Tank


  • Chemical Reaction Interface Mass Spectrometry (CRIMS)Chemical Reaction Interface Mass Spectrometry
    The CRIMS technique allows stable isotopes to be used in a wide variety of tagging and tracing applications. In CRIMS, chromatography effluent is decomposed in a high-temperature microwave plasma and then reacted with a reactant gas. This results in a small number of well characterized polyatomic products whose isotopic ratios are measured by mass spectrometry in order to identify and quantify the presence of isotope tags, independent of chemical structure or environment.