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Vacuum Gaskets

  • AgilentAgilent
    Different materials of gaskets for Agilent.
  • ThermoThermo
    Vacuum gaskets in different materials for Thermo MS.
  • VGVG
    Copper used.
Gaskets By Instrument Manufacturer
  • Gold WireGold Wire
    High purity gold wire for a wide range of uses including gasket fabrication and sputter coating and other scientific applications.
  • Silver Tin WireSilver Tin Wire
    This wire can be used for the fabrication of O' Ring gaskets on instruments such as the Dupont Mass Spectrometers which do not utilize heated flanges.
  • CopperCopper
    The below listed vacuum flange copper gaskets are made from OFHC copper.
  • Little Torch for Gasket FabricationLittle Torch for Gasket Fabrication
    Little Torch Gasket Fabrication Acccessories
  • Ceramic Insulation BoardsCeramic Insulation Boards
    Insulation Boards Gasket Fabrication Acccessories

Gold Exchange

Pure gold (99.99%pure) used in gold gaskets and wires sold by S.I.S. can be sent back for credit or exchange when purchasing new gaskets. Only pure gold, no alloys, accepted.


$8.00 per gram (price subject to change due to gold market prices) 


This product is intended to be used solely for industrial purposes. Under no circumstance is this product intended for human consumption. Scientific Instrument Services makes no representation or warranties with respect to, and shall not be liable or responsible for any injuries arising from or caused by, the consumption or use of this product, or any part or portion of thereof, for medicinal purposes or for any other intended use.