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GC Septa by Manufacturer

SGE offers a comprehensive range of septa materials and sizes to suit the largest range of GC types and models. All septa are pre-conditioned, bleed checked and packaged ready for immediate use.
  • AgilentAgilent
    Various GC septa by SGE for Agilent.
  • Perkin ElmerPerkin Elmer
    Various GC septa by SGE for PE.
  • VarianVarian
    GC septa by SGE for Varian.
  • ThermoThermo
    Various GC septa by SGE for Thermo.
  • ShimadzuShimadzu
    Shimadzu Septa are made with a high grade silicone material to minimize needle coring.
Name Description Material Max Temp Image
GP General purpose septa are designed for non-demanding, routine applications Silicone 200 °C
EC Combines significantly longer injection life, low bleed and low injection port adhesion High temperature silicone 400 °C, 330 °C for 17mm size
MN Premium septum for autosamplers with up to 400 injections per septum High temperature silicone 320 °C
HT Bleed and temperature optimized, combined with outstanding mechanical properties for the highest temperature applications. Retains softness and pierceability at high temperatures and low injection port adhesion. BTO silicone 350 °C
Enduro™ Blue Septa For Shimadzu GC's High temperature silicone 350 °C