This is a replacement for the Agilent heater/sensor assembly (#05890-61140) used in the jet separator interface and other areas. This assembly comes with all connections to interface with the Agilent GC/MS. HPC2 is the cartridge heater only (#19231-60620).
Supplies & Services for Agilent/HP Mass Spectrometers
Agilent Supplies and ServicesAgilent MS Filaments
Replacement filaments for your Agilent/HP mass spectrometer#HPC2 HEATER CARTRIDGE

Santovac 5P Ultra has the same properties of Santovac 5 but guarantees minimal amounts of the 3 and 4 ring polyphenyl ethers; less than .02% and .1% respectively and for ultra-clean applications such as
mass spectrometry.

This is an exact replacement for the HP original.

New filaments for your Agilent 5970 MSD.

Available in packages of 5 nuts.

Double Distilled

Edwards pumps are designed to give long, trouble-free service.

Inland rough pump oil is ideal for use in all models of vacuum pumps including Adixen, Edwards, and Welch.