This is a replacement for the Agilent heater/sensor assembly (#05890-61140) used in the jet separator interface and other areas. This assembly comes with all connections to interface with the Agilent GC/MS. HPC2 is the cartridge heater only (#19231-60620).
- Supplies & Services for Agilent/HP Mass Spectrometers Agilent Supplies and Services
- Agilent MS Filaments Replacement filaments for your Agilent/HP mass spectrometer
Santovac 5P Ultra has the same properties of Santovac 5 but guarantees minimal amounts of the 3 and 4 ring polyphenyl ethers; less than .02% and .1% respectively and for ultra-clean applications such as
mass spectrometry.
Triode and Mini Bayard Alpert style ionization gauge tubes are ideal for use in analytical instrumentation
Our standard G75K Bayard-Alpert ion gauge tube will fit all models of HP mass specs except the HP5989 MS Engine.
Fine metering valves are designed to precisely control gas and liquid flow rates in laboratory instruments.
For instruments: Thermo/Finnigan GCQ™, LCQ™, LTQ™, MSQ™, PolarisQ™, Magnum, SSQ®/TSQ® 7000, Orbitrap
Available in packages of 5 nuts.
Edwards pumps are designed to give long, trouble-free service.