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What's New

  • What's New - 1/00 through 12/01What's New - 1/00 through 12/01
    Posted 5/03/01 SIS at the ASMS meeting in Chicago - Annual SIS Ice Cream Hospitality Suite SIS will be attending the ASMS meeting on May 27 to May 31, 2001 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chicago. Stop by the SIS Booth during the meeting, The Tradition Continues at ASMS Once again we will be sponsoring our Ice Cream Sundae Hospitality Suite at the Atlanta room in the Hyatt Regency Hotel. We will be serving ice cream sundaes from approximately 7:30 p.m. until 9:30 pm, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes...
  • What's New - 1/99 through 12/00What's New - 1/99 through 12/00
    Posted 5/29/00 NEW from SIS - E-Mail Newsletter Beginning in July 2000, SIS will distribute an E-Mail Newsletter. Distribution is expected to be monthly. This newsletter will feature new products, special promotions and the latest information from SIS. To receive this E-Mail Newsletter you must sign up to get on this mail list. Posted 5/29/00 SIS Mass Spec Newsletter - Latest Edition Now Online The latest edition of the SIS Newsletter is now available on our Web site. Includes an article on ins...
  • What's New - 1/98 through 12/99What's New - 1/98 through 12/99
    Posted 3/15/99 AutoDesorb - Automated Short Path Thermal Desorption SIS introduced the new AutoDesorb System at PittCon 99. This PC Controlled Automated Short Path Thermal Desorption System is designed for the continuous and unattended thermal extraction of volatile and semi-volatile organics from solid, liquid and gas samples for analysis by GC and GC/MS. The new AutoDesorb System is the automated sampling version of the patented SIS Short Path Thermal Desorption System. It is designed for the...
  • What's New - 1/97 through 12/97What's New - 1/97 through 12/97
    Posted 9/1/97 Chemical Reaction Interface Mass Spectrometry (CRIMS) Scientific Instrument Services is currently developing both GC and LC CRIMS systems. These products are based on the work and methods of Fred Abramson of George Washington University. The GC CRIMS system has been built and is currently being tested in our laboratory. The GC-CRIMS systems will be introduced at the EAS meeting in Sommerset, NJ in November and will available for delivery this fall. Over the next few months we will...
  • What's New - 1/96 through 12/96What's New - 1/96 through 12/96
    Posted 4/29/96 SIS Mass Spec Source Newsletter - On Line - May 1996 The May 1996 issue of the SIS Mass Spec Source Newsletter was just mailed to our customers on May 25, 1996. In addition we are making the contents available on the Internet. The format is slightly different, but all the information and much more is present here. Posted 4/29/96 ASMS 96 Meeting in Portland Oregon Scientific Instrument Services will once again be present at this years ASMS meeting. The meeting will be held the wee...
  • What's New - 9/95 through 12/95What's New - 9/95 through 12/95
    Posted 12/4/95 Search System of SIS Internet Pages A new Search System has been installed into our Internet pages to enable you to easily find parts, products or resource materials on out pages. Our Internet pages have increased to more than 700 pages to date and will expand to 3 or 4 times that amount within the next year. We hope that this search system will prove useful to locate the needed resources. In addition to the Search function we have also added an E-Mail Write us Button on the bott...

This is an old archive of news postings. For recent news see our newsletter.