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Other References on Adsorbent Resins


A number of references are available from the adsorbent resin manufacturers and suppliers as well as in the scientific literature. Below is a list we compiled for our own information. The list is by no means complete and if you would like to add to its content, we would be happy to hear from you.

Purge and Trap Application Notes From Scientific Insturment Services.

2. Detection of Arson Accelerates Using Dynamic Headspace with Tenax® Cartridges Thermal Desorption and Cyrofocusing (781302)

3. Indoor Air Pollution (781303)

8. Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds in Liquids Using the Short Path Thermal Desorption System. (781308)

14. Analysis of Carbonated Beverages by P&T Thermal Desorption - Quantification of Limonene and Cymene (781314)

16. Analysis of Indoor Air and Sources of Indoor Air Contamination by Thermal Desorption. (781316)

17. Identification of Volatile Organics in Wine over Time (781317)

18. Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Mushrooms (781318)

20. Using Direct Thermal Desorption to Assess the Potential Pool of Styrene and 4-Phenylcyclohexane in Latex-Backed Carpets. (781320)

21. Detection and Identification of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organics in Synthetic Polymers Used in Food and Pharmaceutical Packaging. (781321)

22. Comparison of Volatile Compounds in Latex Paints (781322)

23. Fragrance Qualities in Colognes (781323)

25. Flavor and Aroma in Natural Bee Honey (781325)

26. Volatile Organics Present in Recycled Air Aboard a Commercial Airliner (781326)

30. Comparison of Cooking Oils by "Direct Thermal Extraction" and Purge and Trap GC/MS (781330)

31. Volatile Organic Composition in Several Cultivars of Peach (78133 1)

32. Selection and Use of Adsorbent Resins for Purge and Trap Thermal Desorption Applications (781332)

33. Changes in Volatiles in Milk Over Time (781333)

34. Selection of Thermal Desorption and Cryo-Trap Parameters in the Analysis of Teas

35. Volatile Organic Composition of Cranberries

3. Elimination of "Memory Peaks" from Thermal Desorption. (781203)

Other Adsorbent Resin Literature Resources

(1) Betz, W., Maroldo, S., Wachob, G., and Firth, M., Supelco, Inc., Characterization of Carbon Molecular Sieves and Activated Charcoal for Use in Airborne Contaminant Sampling, J. Am. Ind. Hyg. Asoc., 50(4) 181-187.

(2) Carbotrap - An Excellent Adsorbent for Sampling Many Airborne Contaminants. Supelco Reporter. Vol V. No. 1., Supelco, Inc., Bellefonte, PA, 1986, pp 5-7.

(3) Comes, P., Gonzalez-Flesca, N., Menard, T., and Grimalt, J., Langmuir-Derived Equations for the Prediction of Solid Adsorbent Breakthrough Volumes of Volatile Organic Compounds in Atmospheric Emission Effluents., Anal. Chem., Vol. 65, pp 1048-1053 (1993).

(4) Harper, M., Evaluation of Solid Sorbent Sampling Methods by Breakthrough Volume Studies., Ann. Occup. Hyg., Vol. 37, No. 1, pp 65-88 (1993).

(5) Pankow, J., Gas Phase Retention Behavior of Organic Compounds on the Sorbent Poly(oxy-m-terpenyl-2',5'-ylene)., Anal. Chem., Vol. 60, pp 950-958 (1988).

(6) Figge, K., Rabel, W., and Wieck, A., Adsorptionsmettel zur Anreicherung von organischen Luftinhaltsstoffen, Fresenius Z. Anal. Chem., Vol. 327, pp 261-278 (1987).

(7) Kawata, K., Uemura, T., Kifune, I., Tominaga, Y., and Oikawa, K., Breakthrough Volumes of Organic Vapors on Tenax GC Adsorbent, Bunseki Kagaku, Vol. 31, pp 453-457 (1982).

(8) Seshadri, S and Bozelli, J., Collection of Vapors of Selected Chlorocarbons and Benzene on Tenax GC, Chemosphere, Vol. 12, No.6, pp 809-820 (1983).

(9) Zaranski, M and Bidleman, T., High Volume Elution Chromatography of Dichlorobenzenes on a Polyurethane Foam-Tenax Sandwich Cartridge, Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 409, pp 235-242 (1987).

(10) Billings, W. and Bidleman, T., Field Comparison of Polyurethane Foam and Tenax GC for High-Volume Air Sampling of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons., Envir. Sci. Tech., Vol. 14, No. 6, pp 679-683 (1980).

(11) Riba, M., Clement, B., Haziza, M., and Torres, L., Trace Analysis. Determination of the "Breakthrough Volume" (B.Y.V.) of Atmospheric Isoprene, Toxicol. Environ. Chem., Vol. 31-32, pp 235-240 (1991).

(12) Peters, R. and Bakkeren, H., Sorbents in Sampling. Stability and Breakthrough Measurements, Analyst, Vol. 119, pp 71-74 (1994).

(13) Hart, K., Isabelle, L., and Pankow, J., High Volume Air Sampler for Particle and Gas Sampling. 1. Design and Gas Sampling Performance, Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 26, pp 1048-1052 (1992).

(14) Staniewski, J. and Rijks, J., Potential and Limitations of Differently Designed Programmed-Temperature Injector Liners for Large-Volume Sample Introduction in Capillary GC, J. High Resolut. Chromatogr., Vol. 16, pp 182-187 (1993).

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