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Carbosieve SIII Back Pressure Versus Flow Data


Carbosieve SIII is a carbon based adsorbent resin available from Supelco.

Determination of Back Pressure Versus Flow for Adsorbent Resins

A desorption tube filled with adsorbent resin can produce significant back pressures for the sampling pump when collecting a sample. If the back pressure is too high the air sampling pump will fail. For efficient operation the Back Pressure should not exceed 25. inches of water. In order to determine the Back Pressure at the end of the thermal desorption tube with flow at a fixed rate, the above system was set up. Flows were calibrated through the desorption tube packed with the measured amount of resin and the pressures recorded as a function of flow for both 3.0 and 4.0 mm I.D. desorption tubes. From this data it can be seen that for a 3.0 mm I. D. tube packed with 200 milligram of Carbosieve SIII, the sample pump should not exceed 100 mL/minute. For a 4.0 mm I.D. tube packed with 200 milligram of Carbosieve SIII, one can safely collect samples at flows in excess of 200 mL/minute.

Carbosieve SIII Back Pressures for 3.0 mm I.D. Desorption Tubes

Carbosieve SIII 3.0 mm I.D. backpressures

Back Pressure expressed in inches of water

Carbosieve SIII Back Pressures for 4.0 mm I.D. Desorption Tubes

Carbosieve SIII 4.0 mm tube backpressure

Back Pressure expressed in inches of water