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Aldehyde and Ketone Breakthrough Volumes for Adsorbent Resins


The above chart demonstrates the useful range of the adsorbent resins for a range of aldehydes via purge and trap thermal desorption techniques. The numbers at the top of the chart indicate the number of carbons in straight chain aldehyde (i.e. formaldehyde = 1, Decanal = 10). The numbers at the bottom of the chart indicate the boiling point range of the straight chain aldehyde. The bars in the chart indicate the useful range of aldehyde that can be analyzed with the resin. The different colored bars indicate the desorption temperature required to desorb the aldehyde off the particular resin. From this chart you can easily select the best resin for an application. For example Carboxen 569 is excellent for straight chain aldehydes ethanal through hexanal. Tenax® TA can be used for a wide range of aldehydes from ethanal through decanal.

Aldehyde and Ketone Breakthrough Volumes for Adsorbent Resins

Aldehydes and Ketones with ...

Use of Breakthrough Volume Data

In the following chart, the Breakthrough Volume data is expressed in Liters per gram of resin. This is the volume of gas required to elute the organic compound off 1.0 gram of resin at the indicated temperature. The Blue highlighted areas indicate that the Breakthrough Volume is greater than 10 liters per gram of resin which is an acceptable value for the trapping of the organic compound at that temperature. The Red highlighted areas indicate that the Breakthrough Volume is less than 0.010 Liters per gram of resin or less than 10 ml/gram of resin. This is a good temperature to assure complete desorption of the organic compound off the adsorbent resin during the thermal desorption process.

Tenax® TA with Aldehydes and Ketones

Tenax® GR with Aldehydes and Ketones

Carboxen 569 with Aldehydes and Ketones

Tenax® is a registered trademark of Buchem BV.