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INVOIL® 704 Diffusion Pump Fluid

Invoil 704 Diffusion Pump Fluid
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Price: 156.99
Product ID : IN704
IN704 Size=500 cc bottle Invoil 704 IN7041 Size=1 gallon Invoil 704


Invoil 704 is a single component silicone diffusion pump fluid for high vacuums 10-6 to 10-8 torr range. This diffusion pump fluids' low vapor pressure and thermal stability make it popular in many systems such as mass spectrometers and electron microscopes. It performs well in most applications and offers quick pumpdown, even after exposure to air under operating conditions.


  • Superior Vapor Pressure Capabilities
  • Resistant to Oxidation
  • Thermal Stability
  • Quick Pumpdown Cycles
  • Identical to Dow Corning 704


Vapor Pressure @ 25 deg C 2 x 10-8 torr
Boiling Point @.50 torr: 220 deg.C (428 deg.F)
Viscosity @ 40 deg.C: 24.2 cst (115 SUS)
Viscosity @ 100 deg.C: 6.2 cst (46.5 SUS)
Pour Point: <-9 deg.C (<16 deg.F)
Flash Point: 221 deg.C (430 deg.F)
Fire Point: None
Density: 1.07 gm/cc


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