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Edwards Vacuum Pumps: EO50/60 Diffusion Pump

Edwards EO50/60 Diffusion Pump
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Price: 0
Product ID : B30211090
B30207240 Type=with fan|Voltage=230-250 V Edwards Model EO50/60 Diffusion Pump B30207110 Type=with fan|Voltage=110-125 V Edwards Model EO50/60 Diffusion Pump B30211180 Type=no fan|Voltage=180 V Edwards Model EO50/60 Diffusion Pump B30211090 Type=no fan|Voltage=90 V Edwards Model EO50/60 Diffusion Pump


The Model EO50/60 is a compact, fast warm-up air-cooled diffusion pump supplies complete with high integrity inlet Co-seal, and flange clamping ring. The jet assembly is removeable for easy cleaning. It meets the need for a low-cost, high vacuum pump for use in desk top or mobile scientific instruments, leak detectors, tube pumping systems and general laboratory applications.

In many applications the rapid warm-up capability will enable the EO50/60 to be used without an isolation valve. However, the pump is not intended for use on valveless systems where rapid cycling from atmospheric pressure through the hot pump is required.

Models are available with and without cooling fans. Models without fans are available as replacement diffusion pumps for Agilent/HP MSD instruments below. The pumps do not come with temperature sensors but the holes to mount the sensorare available.

B30211090*Edwards Model EO50/60 Diffusion Pump, 90 volts (for Agilent MSD) no fan
B30211180*Edwards Model EO50/60 Diffusion Pump, 180 volts (for Agilent MSD) no fan, custom


Technical Data
Pumping speed (air) 60 e/s (27 e/s baffled)
(hydrogen) 70 e/s (50 e/s baffled)
Fluid Charge 18.5 mL
Recommended fluid Santovac 5, Silicone DC704EU
Minimum backing pump displacement 0.59 cfm
Recommended backing pump RV-3
Inlet connection NW50 flange
Backing connection NW10 flange
Heater power 200 W or 250 W
Warm-up time to operating temperature 4 min
Weight 4.4 lb
Minimum cooling air flow 2.7 cfm

Fluid Critical backing
pressure (torr)
Ultimate pressure (torr)
Santovac 5 0.45 3.8 x 10-8
Silicone DC702 0.9 3.8 x 10-6
Silicone DC704EU 0.6 3.8 x 10-7
Silicone DC705 0.45 3.8 x 10-7
Apiezon® C 0.53 3.8 x 10-7


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