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Apiezon® Oils, Greases, and Waxes for High Vacuum Applications

  • OilsOils
    Apiezon® oils consist of esters or specially selected hydrocarbon fractions.
  • GreasesGreases
    All stopcocks and movable joints in a high vacuum system must be satisfactorily lubricated, yet leak proof.
  • Apiezon WaxesApiezon Waxes
    High vacuum joints of a more permanent nature, not required to be movable, are best sealed with one of the Apiezon® waxes rather than by a grease.


Apiezon® products are unique oils, greases and waxes designed for use in high vacuum work.

The oils are intended for use as the operating fluids in high vacuum vapor diffusion pumps where the requirement for a stable, very low vapor pressure fluid is amply met by the range of Apiezon oils available. The lubricants, both oils and greases, combine excellent lubricating properties with the equally essential property of low vapor pressure, and are intended for the lubrication of all movable parts in a vacuum system. The waxes, together with a special sealing compound, are used for sealing the various joints in a vacuum system.

High vacuum is used both in industry and in academic work but is no longer only a tool of research; it is a technique widely used in many processes in a number of diverse industries, and the Apiezon products have maintained their lead, established as long ago as 1929, in providing the best and most comprehensive range of materials for servicing all types of high vacuum equipment.

The excellent lubrication properties of the Apiezon greases have long been found to be of value not only in high vacuum equipment but elsewhere in the laboratory

This page sets out the properties of these Apiezon products with recommendations for their use, and will aid in the selection of the correct grade for any particular application.


  • High purity, low vapor pressure, stable products.
  • Pressures lower than 10-7 torr obtainable.
  • No need for cold traps.
  • Good pumping speed/pressure relationships.
  • No interference in electrical equipment from oil deposits.
  • Does not give rise to insulating films. No corrosive deposits or vapors.


  • Excellent lubricants.
  • High purity, low vapor pressure material, so no contamination in analysis.
  • Range of working temperatures covered by grades available, easily applied, easily cleaned off.
  • Strong 'gettering' properties on metal and glass surfaces.
  • Excellent electrical properties.


  • Excellent low vapor pressure sealants.
  • Hard and soft grades available.
  • Range of working temperatures covered by the various grades.
  • Easily applied, easily cleaned off.
  • Strong 'gettering' properties on metal and glass surfaces.
  • Excellent electrical properties.


PRECAUTIONS: Apiezon Products - Health and Safety

Apiezon products have been widely and safely used in vacuum distillation apparatus in both industry and laboratories for a number of years. As a result they should not present a health hazard assuming normal standards of industrial hygiene and safety are followed in their handling.

All Apiezon products are bases on petroleum products of a low order of acute toxicity. However, certain individual develop a rash after repeated contact. Therefore, it is recommended that gloves be worn to handle Apiezon. If Apiezon material is inadvertently in contact with the skin, wipe the area carefully, then cleanse thoroughly using a mild soap. Should any Apiezon products be heated for application, vent the fumes and avoid breathing the warm vapors.

In terms of explosion and fire, Apiezon products are considered non-hazardous.