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- SIS News / E-Mail NewsletterJan 2021: Wiley 12 & NIST 20 Jun 2020: NIST 20 Release 2020 Aug 2017: NIST 17 Release 2017 May 2017: SIS at ASMS 2017 May 2017: NIST 17 Sep 2016: New Website Launch Aug 2016: IMSC 2016 Aug 2016: New Ion Transfer Tubes May 2016: ASMS 2016 May 2016: Agilent Dry Pump May 2016: Wiley Registry 11th February 2016: PITTCON 2016 February 2016: GC columns Dec 2015: GC Columns Special Sep 2015: SIS at AVS 2015 Jul 2015: Ion Transfer Tubes May 2015: SIS at ASMS 2015, thermal desorption poster barley, manufacturing Feb 2015: SIS at Pittcon 2015, TD, homogenizer Jan 2015: Save big on vacuum & MS products in 2015 Dec 2014: Gifts for your lab Nov 2014: NIST 14 and Wiley 10 mass spectral libraries Jun 2013: Thermal desorption on beer, ion transfer tubes & capillaries Apr 2013: Service kits for Waters MS Mar 2013: Bullet Blender® homogenizer, DigiVac vacuum gauge May 2012: Long Life Yttria Coated Filament Repairs Apr 2012: SIS rotary vane vacuum pump and filters Mar 2012: Imtakt HPLC columns, New Era syringe pump May 2011: NIST, SIMION, MS replacement parts Oct 2009: Lymtech sterile wipes, Ametek/Dycor leak detector filaments Sep 2009: Source heater/sensor for Agilent 5973/75, oil mist elements Older newsletters 1993-2009... Older What's New 1995-2001...
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- 1/99 through 12/00 (This Page)
Posted 5/29/00
NEW from SIS - E-Mail Newsletter
Beginning in July 2000, SIS will distribute an E-Mail Newsletter. Distribution is expected to be monthly. This newsletter will feature new products, special promotions and the latest information from SIS.
To receive this E-Mail Newsletter you must sign up to get on this mail
Posted 5/29/00
SIS Mass Spec Newsletter - Latest Edition Now Online
The latest edition of the SIS Newsletter is now available on our Web site. Includes an article on installing a DeTech multiplier in an Agilent 5973 MSD and another article on vacuum pump exhaust filters.
The SIS Mass Spec Source Newsletter is designed for the mass spec community.
This newsletter is published 3 or 4 times per year by Scientific Instrument
Services. Each issue contains a variety of
articles relating to mass spectrometers and related instruments.
Articles are written by the staff of Scientific Instrument Services, our
suppliers and our customers. Topics for articles include the service and
repair of mass spectrometers, techniques to improve the operation of the
mass spectrometer, mass spec tools, software aids for the mass spectrometer
and much more. Each issue also contains new products and services available
from Scientific Instrument Services. Subscribe now to the Mass Spec
Source Newsletter.
Posted 05/29/00
Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filter Kits: - We have just finished writing three articles on the use on exhaust filters on vacuum pumps. These articles describe how the filters work and why they should be used. In addition, ordering information is also available on our web site.
Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filters
Part I - A Two Stage Exhaust Filter System - http://www.sisweb.com/referenc/applnote/app-82.htm
Part II - Oil Mist Eliminators - http://www.sisweb.com/referenc/applnote/app-83.htm
Part III - Charcoal Exhaust Traps - http://www.sisweb.com/referenc/applnote/app-84.htm
Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filters - Kits and Ordering Information
- http://www.sisweb.com/vacuum/sis/pumpft.htm
are presenting a poster at ASMS on this work and an ad on the exhaust filter
system appears in the latest edition of the ASMS journal.
A four page flyer on this product line will be available in the near
Posted 5/29/00
Scientific Instrument Services at ASMS 2000
Long Beach California June 11-15, 2000
SIS will once again be present at the ASMS meeting in Long Beach California. This has always been one of our best shows, since near everyone who attends is a customer of potential customer of SIS.
Come and Visit SIS at the following:
- Hospitality Suite - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings
- SIS Topical Seminars - During the Lunch Break in our Hospitality Suite
- Exhibit Booth - During the daytime hours
- Manufacturers Poster Session
- SIS Poster Sessions
SIS Hospitality Suite - Hyatt Seaview C (First Floor)
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday; - 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
SIS will once again host its Ice Cream Special Hospitality Suite. We have been doing this for about 10 years and it is an expected event by the regular attendees at the ASMS meeting. We plan to be open on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 7:30 till 10:30 pm. During this time we plan to serve ice cream sundaes like we did several years ago.
We have a free gift for all who visit us at the meeting. The gift is a 10 in 1 Exchangeable Tip Screwdriver. But in order to get the screwdriver, a survey form must be filled out. (http://www.sisweb.com/maillist.htm) This form will give us information on not only the persons name and address but also what instruments and techniques they are using in their lab. We use this information to update our mail lists.
For details on the 10-in-1 screwdriver visit our web page -
DeTech will also be with us at the Hospitality Suite. They will once again be giving out their DeTech Mugs. They will also be there with special promotions on their multipliers and be able to answer your questions.
SIS Sponsored Topical Seminars at ASMS during Lunch Time Break
SIS Hospitality Suite - Hyatt Seaview C (First Floor)
SIS is sponsoring three introductory seminars at this year's ASMS conference. Each presentation is
designed as an introduction to the selected topic. These walk-in sessions will be held from 12:15 - 1:00
on each day in our hospitality suite, Hyatt Seaview C (first floor).
Monday Lunch
Applications of Thermal Desorption - Volatile and Semi-Volatile Analysis in Air by Stuart
Batterman, University of Michigan
Air sampling using sorbents, thermal desorption, and gas chromatography is a versatile method for
identifying and quantifying trace levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Points to be discussed
include the appropriate choices of sorbents and method parameters in order to accommodate a wide
range of compounds and high humidity. The advantages of an automated short-path system for
minimizing artifacts, losses, and carry-over effects are illustrated. As examples, results will be presented
that demonstrate the performance of a thermal desorption method for 77 VOCs using laboratory and field
tests and a dual sorbent system (Tenax® GR, Carbosieve SIII). Laboratory tests showed that the method
requirements for ambient air sampling were easily achieved for most compounds, e.g., using the average
and standard deviation across target compounds, blank emissions were ?0.3 ng/sorbent tube for all
target compounds except benzene, toluene and phenol; the method detection limit was 0.05 -0.08 ppb,
reproducibility was 12 -6%, linearity as the relative standard deviation of relative response factors was
16 -9%, desorption efficiency was 99 -28%, samples stored for 1 to 6 weeks had recoveries of 86 -9%,
and high humidity samples had recoveries of 102 -11%. Due to sorbent, column and MSD
characteristics, performance was somewhat poorer for phenol groups, ketones, and nitrogen containing
compounds. The laboratory results were confirmed in an analysis of replicate samples collected in two
field studies that sampled ambient air along roadways and indoor air in a large office building. Replicates
collected under field conditions demonstrated good agreement except at very low concentrations or for
large (> 4 l volume) samples of high humidity air. Overall, the method provides excellent performance and
satisfactory throughput for many applications.
Tuesday Lunch>
How AMDIS Could Have Saved My Sister's Marriage by O. David Sparkman
AMDIS attempts to reconstruct original mass spectra for individual components in arbitrarily complex
GC/MS and LC/MS reconstructed total ion current (RTIC) chromatograms and, if a target library is
provided, AMDIS can directly identify target compounds. AMDIS is especially useful when an RTIC
chromatographic peak represents multiple components. Regardless of each component's concentration,
pure mass spectra are deconvoluted for analysis.
AMDIS has been designed to reconstruct "pure component" spectra from complex RTIC chromatograms
even when components are present at trace levels. For this purpose, observed chromatographic behavior
is used along with a range of noise-reduction methods. AMDIS is distributed with specialized libraries
(environmental, flavor and fragrance, and drugs and toxins), that were derived from the NIST98 Library.
AMDIS has a range of other features, including the ability to search the entire NIST98 Library with any of
the spectra extracted from the original data file. It can also employ retention index windows when
identifying target compounds and can make use of internal and external standards maintained in
separate libraries. A history list of selected performance standards is also maintained.
Wednesday Lunch
LC/MS Fundamentals and Applications by Mike Lee, Milestone Development Services
Abstract: The combination of high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC/MS)
has had a significant impact on industrial applications over the past decade. Continual improvements in
LC/MS interface technologies combined with powerful features for structure analysis, qualitative and
quantitative, have resulted in a widened scope of application. An iterative cycle of "what is it?" and "how
much is there?" continues to fuel the tremendous growth of LC/MS. This talk will review the fundamentals
of LC/MS and provide perspective on strategies for method development. Current applications of LC/MS
technologies and emerging industry trends will also be discussed .
SIS Paper and Poster Presentations at ASMS
SIS once again will be presenting several poster presentations at the ASMS meeting.
- Controlling Laboratory Air Contamination from Rotary Vacuum Pumps by using a Two-Stage Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filter System , by John Manura, Scientific Instrument Services.
- Analysis of Silicone Contaminants on electronic Components by Thermal Desorption GC-MS, by Eric Butrym, Scientific Instrument Services.
We look forward to the ASMS meeting. It has always been a good meeting for us and we look forward to seeing you again.
Posted 5/29/00
New -AutoProbe System under Development
SIS is presently developing a new Automated Direct Probe System which will be integrated into the ThermoQuest Trace MS System. This system will permit the unattended and continuous analysis of samples via the Direct Exposure Probe (DEP) technique. Samples are dissolved in a suitable solvent and injected via an automated syringe system onto the DEP wire of the AutoProbe. The probe tip wire is slightly heated to evaporate the solvent. The probe is then automatically injected into the MS via the AutoProbe System via an automated isolation valve system especially designed by SIS for the AutoProbe. The sample is then temperature ramped to the required temperature and the mass spec is started to record the data. After sample analysis the probe is removed from the source and heated to a high temperature to clean the probe tip wire to prepare for the next sample.
The system is operated and controlled by a PC Windows based software package developed by SIS. The AutoProbe System has been developed to operate within the ThermoQuest Xcalabur software package on the ThermoQuest (Finnigan) Trace System to provide for a seamless integration of the Trace MS System with the SIS AutoProbe System.
Two initial prototypes are currently under construction and final testing. Initial product information will be available at the ASMS meeting in long Beach. Formal introduction of the AutoProbe is scheduled for PittCon 2001.
For additional details or information
contact John Manura at SIS.
Posted 1/1/00
AutoDesorb - Automated Short Path Thermal Desorption
SIS introduced the new AutoDesorb Model 2000 System at PittCon 2000. This PC Controlled Automated Short Path Thermal Desorption System is designed for the continuous and unattended thermal extraction of volatile and semi-volatile organics from solid, liquid and gas samples for analysis by GC and GC/MS. The new AutoDesorb System is the automated sampling version of the patented SIS Short Path Thermal Desorption System. It is designed for the automatic and unattended pickup, injection and thermal extraction of volatile and semi-volatile organics from solid, liquid and gas samples for analysis by GC and GC/MS.
The system is operated and controlled by a PC Windows based software package developed by SIS. The AutoDesorb System has been developed to operate within the Hewlett-Packard ChemStation software package on the HP 6890 GC or HP 5973 GC/MS to provide for a seamless integration of the HP GC or MSD with the SIS AutoDesorb System.
A 12 page color flyer on the AutoDesorb
System is available on request and additional details are posted on our web
Posted 1/1/00
Heated Desorption Sampling Chambers (Thermal Desorption Accessory)
The Heated Thermal Desorption Sampling
Chambers are used to contain large solid matrix samples for the purpose
of purging off the volatile and semi-volatile organics at elevated temperatures
and then trapping these analytes on thermal desorption tubes packed with
a variety of adsorbent resins. The samples collected are then analyzed
using the thermal desorption system in conjunction with a GC and/or GC/MS.
These systems are custom made on order and other chamber sizes can be constructed
according to your requirements.
Posted 3/15/99
MS Interface Kit (for interfacing the GC column to the Mass spectrometer)
The SGT Mass Spec Interface is installed
between the end of the GC capillary column and the interface to the mass
spectrometer. This system permits the quick changing of GC columns without
venting the mass spectrometer. When the GC column is removed from the Mass
Spec Interface, a flow of clean carrier gas purges the Mass Spec transfer
line and allows the Mass Spec to stay under vacuum. When the new column
has been installed, the next analysis can start within seconds.
Posted 3/15/99
MS NoVent (5 Minute GC/MS Column changeover)
The ms-NoVent™ allows
a capillary column to be changed without venting the MS and the mass spectrometer
can be operational almost immediately. The ms-NoVent™
is simple to install and operate. The ms-NoVent™ consists of
an oven interface fitting connected directly to the existing transfer line
interface on the MS. A fused silica transfer line (specific in length and
inside diameter for the vacuum system of the particular MS) fits inside
the interface. This transfer line is designed to restrict the gas flow
that can be pulled into the ion source, allowing a low pressure to be maintained
in the system. Models for the HP MSD are currently
Posted 3/15/99
GCQ Probe and Inlet (Direct Probe and Probe Inlet system for the GCQ MS)
Scientific Instrument Services has developed a new high temperature Direct Insertion Probe (HT-DIP) for the ThermoQuest (Finnigan MAT) GCQ instruments. These probes can be used from ambient temperatures up to 800o C with a ballistic temperature ramping of over 700o C/min.
SIS Probe Inlet System for the GCQ Instruments has been redesigned to improve
the operation of the standard probe inlet and to increase seal life by
a factor of 50 or more. This is accomplished via the use of PTFE seals
with a greater vacuum sealing surface area.
Posted 3/15/99
LC/GC Integrator (GC or LC to PC Integrator)
A new low cost GC or LC 4 channel integrator for use with
any PC is now available from SIS.
Posted 3/15/99
CombiFilter Gas Filter (GC carrier Gas Line Filter)
The Super-Clean Gas Filters introduce no impurities, they just take
them out! The SGT Super-Clean gas FilterTM System combines high
efficiency removal of impurities and is easy to use and operate. The filters
are replaced simply by unscrewing the retaining ring, removing the spent
filter cartridge and replacing it with a new filter cartridge. In addition,
these filters are designed to fit to other similar designed base plates.
Posted 3/15/99
Shortix Plus Column Cutter [discontinued]
Two new Shortix capillary column cutters are now available
from SIS. The standard Shortix permits anyone independent
from skill and experience level, to make the perfect cut. The new
Shortix Plus contains the Shortix capillary column cutter in a handy Swiss
Army Style pocket knife plus an array of handy GC column tools. The idea
tool for any chromatographers toolbox.
Posted 5/1/00
New Application Notes Now on our WEB site
The following application notes have just been posted to our web site. These are presentations that we presented at PittCon 98, ASMS 98 and EAS 98. The publications cover applications in Thermal Desorption, MS Direct Probe, CRIMS and SIMION 3D.
60. Programmable Temperature Ramping of Samples Analyzed via Direct Thermal Extraction GC/MS
61. Analysis of Sugars via a New DEP Probe Tip for use with the Direct Probe on the HP5973 MSD
62. Analysis of Polymer Samples Using a Direct Insertion Probe and EI Ionization
63. Organics in Printer Toners using Thermal Desorption
64. Comparison of Various GC/MS Techniques for the Analysis of Black Pepper
65. Determination of Ethylene by Adsorbent Trapping and Thermal Desorption GC
66. Optimization of Probe Tip Design on a Mass Spectrometer Direct Insertion Probe
67. Using Chemical Reaction Interface (CRIMS) to Monitor Bacteria Transport in Situ
68. Using a Plug In UV-Vis Spectrometer to Monitor the Plasma Conditions in a GC CRIMS
69. Application of SIMION 6.0 to the Study of Finkelstein - Part I
70. A Revisitation of the Finkelstein Ion Source using SIMION 3D - Part II
71. Flavor Profile Determination of Rice Samples Using Thermal Desorption
73. The Analysis of Perfumes and Their Effect on Indoor Air Polution
74. Examination of Source Design in Electrospray-TOF Using SIMION 3D
76. Determination of the Sensitivity of a CRIMS System
77. The Determination of Volatile Organics in Vacuum System Components
78. A new solution to eliminate MS down-time with no-tool-changing of analytical GC Columns
81. Rapid Bacterial Chemotaxonomy by Direct Probe/MSD (PittCon 99)
82. Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filters, Part I, A Two Stage Vacuum Pump EExhaust Filter System (ASMS 2000)83. Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filters, Part II, Oil Mist Eliminators
84. Vacuum
Pump Exhaust Filters, Part III, charcoal Exhaust Traps
Posted 11/2/99
Our new 2000-2001 General Catalog has expanded to more than 600 pages.
It contains a wide variety of supplies and services for mass spectrometers,
gas chromatographs, liquid chromatographs and other scientific instruments.
Scientific Instrument Services has become one of the major resources for
mass spectroscopists for over 20 years. From filament repair, and source
cleaning to mass spec probes and much more. With over 25,000 scientific
supply products to choose from, no scientist should be without this catalog.
Request your copy of this catalog.
Posted 11/2/99
SIS now Authorized reseller of Agilent (Hewlett-Packard) Supplies
Agilent (Hewlett-Packard) GC - LC - MS Supplies. Scientific Instrument Services
is now an authorized reseller of the entire Agilent Consumables
and Accessories. These include supplies for mass spectrometers, gas chromatographs
and liquid chromatographs. The HP product line will be included in
our new catalog or you can order from SIS through your Hewlett-Packard
Catalog. Order your copy of the Hewlett-Packard Consumables and Accessories
Catalog. US Only
See Also
- News - main index