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- Heaters/Source
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- Agilent Heaters and SensorsMass Spectrometry, Scientific Supplies & ManufacturingScientific Instrument Services 5973 Source Heater Tamper Resistant Allen Wrench 5973/5975 Quad Sensor 5985 Source Heater Assembly Agilent Interface Heater Assembly 5971 Interface Heater
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- SIS News / E-Mail NewsletterJan 2021: Wiley 12 & NIST 20 Jun 2020: NIST 20 Release 2020 Aug 2017: NIST 17 Release 2017 May 2017: SIS at ASMS 2017 May 2017: NIST 17 Sep 2016: New Website Launch Aug 2016: IMSC 2016 Aug 2016: New Ion Transfer Tubes May 2016: ASMS 2016 May 2016: Agilent Dry Pump May 2016: Wiley Registry 11th February 2016: PITTCON 2016 February 2016: GC columns Dec 2015: GC Columns Special Sep 2015: SIS at AVS 2015 Jul 2015: Ion Transfer Tubes May 2015: SIS at ASMS 2015, thermal desorption poster barley, manufacturing Feb 2015: SIS at Pittcon 2015, TD, homogenizer Jan 2015: Save big on vacuum & MS products in 2015 Dec 2014: Gifts for your lab Nov 2014: NIST 14 and Wiley 10 mass spectral libraries Jun 2013: Thermal desorption on beer, ion transfer tubes & capillaries Apr 2013: Service kits for Waters MS Mar 2013: Bullet Blender® homogenizer, DigiVac vacuum gauge May 2012: Long Life Yttria Coated Filament Repairs Apr 2012: SIS rotary vane vacuum pump and filters Mar 2012: Imtakt HPLC columns, New Era syringe pump May 2011: NIST, SIMION, MS replacement parts Oct 2009: Lymtech sterile wipes, Ametek/Dycor leak detector filaments Sep 2009: Source heater/sensor for Agilent 5973/75, oil mist elements Older newsletters 1993-2009... Older What's New 1995-2001...
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- Older What's New 1995-2001...
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- 1/97 through 12/97 (This Page)
WEB Statistics page
Scientific Instrument Services on the World Wide Web Scientific Instrument Services introduced its WEB site in September 1995. Since that time the usage of the information our our site has continued to grow as more chemists and technicians gain access to the WEB and the resources that are found here. The initial goal of our WEB site was to make information available to our customer base. This includes the Application Notes that we have written on Mass Spectrometers and Thermal Desorption Systems...
Posted 9/1/97
Chemical Reaction Interface Mass Spectrometry (CRIMS)
Scientific Instrument Services is currently developing both GC and LC CRIMS systems. These products are based on the work and methods of Fred Abramson of George Washington University. The GC CRIMS system has been built and is currently being tested in our laboratory. The GC-CRIMS systems will be introduced at the EAS meeting in Sommerset, NJ in November and will available for delivery this fall. Over the next few months we will be assembling an LC-CRIMS system which will be introduced at Pitt Con in March 1998 and is scheduled for shipment in late Summer 1998. These systems will be available as full GCMS or LCMS Systems based on the new HP 5973 MSD.
For additional information please contact Scientific Instrument Services:
contact us.
Posted 9/1/97
The complete line of Wheaton glassware including glass and plastic bottles
is now available online from SIS. Our index system makes it easy to find
your bottle requirements since it classifies bottles by material of construction,
bottle type, and bottle top style. Using our new on line ordering system
makes it easy for you to order your glassware.
Posted 8/18/97
Online Ordering: from the SIS Web pages
Available only on Internet Explorer 3.0/4.0
and Netscape 3.0/4.0.
NOT available on Netscape 2.0 but MAY work on other Java Script enabled
web browers.
If your browser does not satisfy these conditions, see other
ordering methods above.
You can now place your SIS order through the Internet. When browsing through our pages, you can add products to your personal "shopping cart" by typing in the quantity to purchase and clicking "Add." You are then shown the contents of your shopping cart, and you can make additions, subtractions and modifications to your order.
When you are finished browsing our site and selecting
products, open up your shopping cart again by clicking any "View Purchase
List" button. Once opened, click "Finish Order" to proceed to
complete and send your order via the Internet.
Posted 6/10/97
Building Expansion at Scientific Instrument Services
Scientific Instrument Services has begun construction of new shop and
repair facilities at our Ringoes, NJ location. This expansion has been
in the planning stages for more than three years. The new addition more
than doubles our facitities to about 10,000 square feet of offices, shops
and warehouse. The major purpose of this addition is provide us with new
and expanded shop facilities to better serve our customers. Included in
the new expansion are two filament repair rooms, a sandblasting room, a
filament assembly and cleaning room, a welding and brazing room, an equipment
assembly room, a quality control room, a product development room, a drafting
and computer room, offices for our shop and product development staff and
a lunch and lecture room. In addition we are constructing a machine shop
in the basement of the new addition. Construction is expected to be completed
by mid September. This expansion will enable us to expand our staff as
well as add additional equipment and repair capabilities. The old shop
areas in the present building will be remodeled into new offices for our
office staff.
Posted 6/10/97
SIS Web Site - Catalog Pages Indexed
The catalog product section of the SIS web pages are now indexed. This makes it easy to retrieve pages of our catalog using an expanding and contracting index system in the left frame of the page. The index starts with the 11 major sections of our catalog (i.e. MS, GC, LC, etc.) and then expands by two more layers when the sections are selected. Selecting an already expanded section, returns the index back to its original size. In addition the Search function of this section can be used to quickly search our entire web site for products of other items of interest.This is part of an expansive revision of our catalog web pages. In this revision we are including on-line ordering, via either your corporate account number or credit card. We also have these WEB catalog pages interfaced to the SIS computer inventory system to permit the automatic update of product prices so that our system will always be up to date. In addition the ordering section will automatically calculate the shipping charges for your order via the shipping carrier of your choice. These pages are being created and designed by David Manura (SIS Webmaster). The programs are written in four computer languages (HTML, Pearl Scripts, C++ and Javascript). You will notice part of the online ordering as part of many of the present pages (vacuum section), however, we will not put the actual on line ordering form in place until the mass spec and thermal desorption WEB page sections are complete. This will probably occur in August 1997.
Note: you must have Javascript capabilities on your browser in
order to use this on line ordering system.
Posted 6/10/97
Scientific Instrument Services at ASMS 97
The ASMS meeting was held in Palm Springs, CA on June 1 through June 5, 1997. SIS once again sponsored our annual Ice Cream Hospitality Suite, which was a big success. We enjoyed talking with all who visited us during the week. SIS presented several papers and posters at the meeting as described below.Programmable Temperature Ramping of Samples Analyzed via the Direct Thermal Extraction GC/MS Technique, Eric Butrym and John Manura of Scientific Instrument Services.
Direct Probe Analysis and Identification of Multicomponent Pharmaceutical Samples via Electron Impact MS, John Manura of Scientific Instrument Services.
Experimental Results
and SIMION 3D Modeling of the Effects of Grids in TOF Mass Spectrometry,
Steven Colby of Scientific Instrument Services
Posted 2/3/97
Scientific Instrument Services at Pitt Con 76 - Booth # 5128
SIS is finalizing its plans for this years Pitt Con meeting scheduled for March 16-21, 1997 in Atlanta, GA. Our booth will feature the new HP 5973 Probe and Probe Inlet System, Short Path Thermal Desorption System, our new Micro Cryo-Trap, Mass Spec and GC supplies and services and other new products. Plan to stop by and see us at booth #5128.SIS Presentations at Pitt Con 97
The following is a list of papers and posters to be presented by Scientific Instrument Services at Pitt Con 97. Hyperlink on the paper to see an extended abstract. In many cases the complete paper is present in our Internet pages. You can hyperlink to the complete paper from the abstract.
Posters - Sunday (March 16, 1997) 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Monday (March 17, 1997)
(059P) - Redesign and Performance of a Diffusion-Based Solvent Removal Interface for LC-MS, Steven Colby of Scientific Instrument Services and Jon G. Wilkes of NCTR.
(062P) - A Student Lab Guide for SIMION Modeling Softeware, Kenneth L. Busch, Georgia Institute of Technology and Steven Colby ofScientific Instrument Services.
(075P) - Design of a Microprocessor Controlled Short Path Thermal Desorption Autosampler, Vinod T. Das and Thomas T. Hartmen of Cook College, Rugers University and John Manos, John Manura and Christopher Baker of Scientific Insturment Services.
(094P) - Development and Field Tests of an Automated Pyrolysis insert for Gas Chromatography, Steven Colby of Scientific Instrument Services and Gary A. Shultz of Rohm & Haas.
Posters - Tuesday(March 18, 1997)
(287P) - Influence of Storage on Blueberry Volatiles, Santford V. Overton and John J. Manura of Scientific Instrument Services and Nick Vorsa of Rutgers University.
(343P) - Volatile Organic Compounds in Pump Oils After Continued Use, Santford V. Overton and John J. Manura of Scientific Instrument Services.
(387P) - Development of an Automated Microprocessor-Controlled Gas Chromatograph Fraction Collector/Olfractometer, Juan P. Salinas and Thomas T. Hartman of Rutgers University and John Manos, John Manura and Christopher Baker of Scientific Insturment Services.
Posters - Wednesday (March 19, 1997)
(515P) - Identification of Volatile Organic Compounds in Paper Products, Santford V. Overton and John J. Manura of Scientific Instrument Services.
Lecture - Wednesday (March 19, 1997) 8:50 a.m., Room 263
(730) - Computer Modeling of Ion
Optics in Time-of-Flight Spectrometry using SIMION 3D, Steven Colby
and John J. Manura of Scientific Instrument Services.
Posted 1/21/97
New SIS 1997-98 Catalog now Available
The 1997-98 Catalog has just been printed and will be shipped this week. This new addition is 504 pages long and contains many new products including our new 1" Micro Cryo-Trap, a Gas Cylinder Switchover system, Edwards vacuum pumps, the new Staabil-ion Vacuum measurement system from Granville Phllips and the new direct probe for the HP 5973 MSD. The Catalog is divided into 9 sections, each describing one of our product lines:- General Mass Spectrometer Supplies
- Mass Spectrometer Instrument Supplies
- Thermal Desorption
- Gas chromatography Supplies
- Liquid Chromatography Supplies
- Vacuum system Supplies
- General Laboratory and Cleaning Supplies
- Tools
- Books and Software
Posted 11/11/96
Direct Probe and Probe Inlet System for the HP 5973 MSD

S.I.S. has developed a new direct probe and probe inlet system for the
Hewlett Packard 5973 MSD. The probe inlet mounts onto the GC/MS transfer
line port and uses an indexed probe introduction guide to permit the direct
insertion and removal of the probe into the MSD source without venting
the MSD or scoring the probe rod. The probe can be either heated ballistically
or at ramp rates in excess of 500 degrees per minute or can be temperature
programmed with up to 25 ramp rate levels. The probe temperatures, ramp
rates, hold times, start and stop are all PC controlled and fully integrated
with the HP ChemStation software. This permits the storage of the probe
analysis parameters in the sample data files and the method files. Shipping
of the new probe inlet system is scheduled for Jan 15, 1997.
Posted 10/12/96
SIMION 3D Courses at PittCon 97 (link gone)
S.I.S. will be offering two day courses on the use and application of the SIMION 3D ion Optics Simulation Software at PittCon 97. These two day courses will enable the person attending to become totally familiar with the basic use of SIMION 3D ion optics simulations software and demonstrate its application to the solving of ion optics problems. This class will be similar to the course presented at ASMS 96 by David Dahl. It will consist of lectures interspaced with hands-on practice on a personal computer (2 persons per PC). In this course you will learn the fundamentals of SIMION and become capable of utilizing advanced techniques in solving specific analytical problems. Material will be covered at both the elementary and advanced level. The course is designed to dramatically accelerate the learning curve for effective use of the program. Numerous tips and techniques will be presented for users at all levels. More information or to register On-Line.Posted 10/11/96
SIS Presentations at the 1996 EAS Meeting
Once again we are planning for the Eastern Analytical Symposium meeting to be held November 18 to 21, 1996 at the Garden State Convention Center in Somerset, NJ. The EAS has become one of the major scientific meetings of the year on the east coast. There are over 600 technical presentations, 24 Short Courses, 27 Workshops and 17 Tutorials planned for this years meeting in addition to a manufacturers exhibit of equipment. Full details of the meeting can be found on the EAS homepage at or you can e-mail your question to easinfo@aol.com . SIS will exhibiting at this meeting and will be presenting several papers and lectures that may be of interest to you. Abstracts are abailable on the list of presentations follows:Thermal Desorption Instrumentation for Characterization of Odors and Flavors, John J. Manura, Lecture at 11:20 a.m. on Monday, November 18, 1996.
Selection of Thermal Desorption and Cryo-Trap Parameters in the Analysis of Teas, John J. Manura, Poster 211, Tuesday, November 19, 1996.
A New Micro Cryo-Trap for the Trapping of Volatiles at the Front of a GC Column, John J. Manura, Poster 212, Tuesday, November 19, 1996.
Evaluation of Septa Using a Direct Thermal Extraction Technique, S. V. Overton and J. Manura, Poster 213, Tuesday, November 19, 1996.
Seasonal Variations in Flower Volatiles, S.V. Overton and J. Manura, Poster 217, Tuesday, November 19, 1996.
Identification of Volatile Organic Compounds in Office Products, S.V.Overton and J. Manura, Poster 217, Tuesday, November 19, 1996.
Computer Modeling of Ion Optics in Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry using SIMION 3D, Steve Colby and J. Manura, Poster 355, Wednesday, November 20, 1996.
Analytes Using Mass Spectrometry
(CRIMS), Steven M. Colby,1 Jiuwei Teng,2 Yohannes Teffera,2
John J. Manura,1 and Fred Abramson2, 1Scientific Instrument Services,
Ringoes NJ. 2Dept. of Pharmacology, The George Washington
University, 2300 Eye Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037.
Posted 9/30/96
SIS Mail List Update
We recently mailed flyers to all our existing customers in order to update our mail list. This mail flyer or our WEB on line Mail List Update Form must be filled out in order to remain on our mail list and receive our new 1996-97 GC/MS Catalog in February of 1997. Please help us keep down our printing and mailing costs and conserve paper by filling our on line Mail List Update Form.Posted 9/3/96
SIS WEB Site Now 1 Year Old
The SIS Web Site has now been on line for one year. During that time our WEB activity has continued to grow. We are continuing to add to our WEB pages with new information and useful tools. Visit our WEB Statistics page for details on our WEB site growth. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our WEB pages or new features that you would like to see included, we would like to hear from you.Posted 9/1/96
North Jersey Mass Spec Discussion Group - September Meeting
Join us at the North Jersey Mass Spec Discussion Group meeting now being planned for September 24, 1996. This meeting will be sponsored by Scientific Instrument Services and JEOL. This meeting will feature a Picnic and Barbecue in addition to a poster presentation and lecture by Dr. Tom Hartman of Rutgers University on "Mass Spectrometry Laboratory Design. Stay tuned for more details as the planning progresses.Posted 8/20/96
New Micro Cryo-Trap Flyer
A new 4 page flyer on the new Micro Cryo-Trap is now available. This new flyer describes the design and operation of the Micro Cryo-Trap, demonstrates applications in both thermal desorption and headspace injection techniques and contains complete ordering information. To receive a copy, please contact us. The Micro Cryo-Trap information is also located on our WEB sit on the Micro Cryo-Trap pages.Posted 7/25/96
3D Ion Optics Modeling Software from SIS
SIS is your dealer for SIMION 3D Ion Optics Modeling Software. For detailed
information on SIMION see the SIMION Section.
Simion is now available at a special introductory price of only $495.00
View the new Application Notes now on line which demonstrate the application of SIMION 3D. These two application notes demonstrate some of the uses that the staff of SIS are using in order to study mass spectrometer source and filament design.
- Application Note 45 - Application of SIMION 6.0 to Filament Design for Mass Spectrometer Ionization Sources
- Application Note 47 - The Application of SIMION 6.0 to Problems in Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Steve Colby is responsible for the addition of this new product to SIS
and can answer your technical questions on SIMION. Steve plans several
posters for presentation at ASMS and will be there to answer your questions.
You can contact us.
Posted 7/25/96
New SIS Applications now on the WEB
The following applications notes are now available. Many of these papers were presented at this years Pitt Con and ASMS meetings. Click Here to view All the SIS Application Notes available on line.The Following papers are to be Presented at Pitt Con, March 1996
Application Note 29 - Analysis of Volatile Organics in Oil Base Paints by Automated Headspace Sampling and GC Cryo-FocusingApplication Note 38 - A New Micro Cryo-Trap for Trapping of Volatiles at the front of a GC Column
Application Note 39 - Comparison of Sensitivity of Headspace GC, Purge and Trap Desorption and Direct Thermal Extraction Techniques for Volatile Organics
Application Note 40 - Comparison of Septa by Direct Thermal Extraction
Application Note 41 - Hydrocarbon Production in Pine by Direct Thermal Extraction
Other Application Notes - presented at ASMS Meeting, May 1996
Application Note 42 - The Influence of Pump Oil Purity on Roughing PumpsApplication Note 43 - Volatile Organic Composition in Blueberry
Application Note 44 - The Design of a New Direct Probe Inlet for a Mass Spectrometer
Application Note 45 - Application of SIMION 6.0 to Filament Design for Mass Spectrometer Ionization Sources
Application Note 46 - Delayed extraction and Laser Desorption: Time-lag Focusing and Beyond
Application Note 47 - The Application of SIMION 6.0 to Problems in Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Other Application Notes - to be presented at EAS, November 1996
Application Note 34 - Selection of Thermal Desorption and Cryo-Trap Parameters in the Analysis of TeasPosted 6/29/96
Mass Spectrum Generator
Just key in the mass spec peaks and their relative abundances to create a color mass spectrum chart. We hope that this will prove a useful tool for the scientific community. This program is still in the development stages and we welcome your input on how it can be improved or what additional features need to be included. Please contact us with your input. This On-Line program was developed by John Manura of Scientific Instrument Services as part of our Mass Spec Tools Collection for the WEB.Posted 6/29/96
Exact Mass Calculator
Just key in the chemical formula for the compound of interest and this on-line program will calculate the exact mass of the compound. This program is still under development and once again we would appreciate your comments on how it can be improved. Please contact us with suggestions on what else need to be included in this program.. This program was written by David Manura utilizing Java Scripts. David has his own home page on Math related subjects. Visit Daves Math Tables.Posted 6/20/96
SIS Guest Book (Link outdated)
If you have any comments, suggestions for improvements, have a need for a particular part for your mass spectrometer, have questions concerning the maintenance of your mass spectrometer or just want to put yourself on record stop by our Guest Book (Link outdated) and fill in the form. Your entry will become part of this page. If you would like to respond to someone's entry you can do this also at this section. You can also use this section to list instruments that you have for sale or wanted, list employment opportunities, list parts availability for various instruments or list other information of interest to the mass spectrometer community. We hope that you find this section useful.If you would like to make a private inquiry to SIS, please
contact us via e-mail.
Posted 6/15/96
Pocket Reference Book and Pocket PC Reference Book
(link outdated) SIS is introducing two new handy reference books that are packed full of information and are small enough to fit in your shirt pocket..The Pocket Reference Book comprises a compendium of tables would take a sheet of paper ten times this size. Every engineer, geologist, manager, foreman, contractor, purchasing agent, maintenance person, and craftsman needs this book. Hundreds and hundreds of pages of information on the properties of air, automotive, tables of carpentry, construction, chemistry, physics, physical constants, electrical properties, general information, geology, glues and solvents, tools, water, weights of materials, welding and more than 3500 conversion factors.
The Pocket PC Reference Book contains
544 pages of Hard-to-find Information on PC Systems including ASCII Codes,
Decimal-Hex-EBCIDIC Conversions, PC Error Codes, PC Industry Phone number
and much more. All this information is a concise book that still fits into
your shirt pocket. Ever PC computer user should have a copy of this hand
reference book next to his PC System.
See Also
- News - main index