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- SIS News / E-Mail NewsletterJan 2021: Wiley 12 & NIST 20 Jun 2020: NIST 20 Release 2020 Aug 2017: NIST 17 Release 2017 May 2017: SIS at ASMS 2017 May 2017: NIST 17 Sep 2016: New Website Launch Aug 2016: IMSC 2016 Aug 2016: New Ion Transfer Tubes May 2016: ASMS 2016 May 2016: Agilent Dry Pump May 2016: Wiley Registry 11th February 2016: PITTCON 2016 February 2016: GC columns Dec 2015: GC Columns Special Sep 2015: SIS at AVS 2015 Jul 2015: Ion Transfer Tubes May 2015: SIS at ASMS 2015, thermal desorption poster barley, manufacturing Feb 2015: SIS at Pittcon 2015, TD, homogenizer Jan 2015: Save big on vacuum & MS products in 2015 Dec 2014: Gifts for your lab Nov 2014: NIST 14 and Wiley 10 mass spectral libraries Jun 2013: Thermal desorption on beer, ion transfer tubes & capillaries Apr 2013: Service kits for Waters MS Mar 2013: Bullet Blender® homogenizer, DigiVac vacuum gauge May 2012: Long Life Yttria Coated Filament Repairs Apr 2012: SIS rotary vane vacuum pump and filters Mar 2012: Imtakt HPLC columns, New Era syringe pump May 2011: NIST, SIMION, MS replacement parts Oct 2009: Lymtech sterile wipes, Ametek/Dycor leak detector filaments Sep 2009: Source heater/sensor for Agilent 5973/75, oil mist elements Older newsletters 1993-2009... Older What's New 1995-2001...
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- 1/98 through 12/99 (This Page)
Posted 3/15/99
AutoDesorb - Automated Short Path Thermal Desorption
SIS introduced the new AutoDesorb System at PittCon 99. This PC Controlled Automated Short Path Thermal Desorption System is designed for the continuous and unattended thermal extraction of volatile and semi-volatile organics from solid, liquid and gas samples for analysis by GC and GC/MS. The new AutoDesorb System is the automated sampling version of the patented SIS Short Path Thermal Desorption System. It is designed for the automatic and unattended pickup, injection and thermal extraction of volatile and semi-volatile organics from solid, liquid and gas samples for analysis by GC and GC/MS.
The system is operated and controlled by a PC Windows based software package developed by SIS. The AutoDesorb System has been developed to operate within the Hewlett-Packard ChemStation software package on the HP 6890 GC or HP 5973 GC/MS to provide for a seamless integration of the HP GC or MSD with the SIS AutoDesorb System.
Systems are scheduled for shipment in July 1999.
Posted 3/15/99
Heated Desorption Sampling Chambers (Thermal Desorption Accessory)
The Heated Thermal Desorption Sampling
Chambers are used to contain large solid matrix samples for the purpose
of purging off the volatile and semi-volatile organics at elevated temperatures
and then trapping these analytes on thermal desorption tubes packed with
a variety of adsorbent resins. The samples collected are then analyzed
using the thermal desorption system in conjunction with a GC and/or GC/MS.
These systems are custom made on order and other chamber sizes can be constructed
according to your requirements.
Posted 3/15/99
MS Interface Kit (for interfacing the GC column to the Mass spectrometer)
The SGT Mass Spec Interface is installed
between the end of the GC capillary column and the interface to the mass
spectrometer. This system permits the quick changing of GC columns without
venting the mass spectrometer. When the GC column is removed from the Mass
Spec Interface, a flow of clean carrier gas purges the Mass Spec transfer
line and allows the Mass Spec to stay under vacuum. When the new column
has been installed, the next analysis can start within seconds.
Posted 3/15/99
MS NoVent (5 Minute GC/MS Column changeover)
The ms-NoVent™ allows
a capillary column to be changed without venting the MS and the mass spectrometer
can be operational almost immediately. The ms-NoVent™
is simple to install and operate. The ms-NoVent™ consists of
an oven interface fitting connected directly to the existing transfer line
interface on the MS. A fused silica transfer line (specific in length and
inside diameter for the vacuum system of the particular MS) fits inside
the interface. This transfer line is designed to restrict the gas flow
that can be pulled into the ion source, allowing a low pressure to be maintained
in the system. Models for the HP MSD are currently
Posted 3/15/99
GCQ Probe and Inlet (Direct Probe and Probe Inlet system for the GCQ MS)
Scientific Instrument Services has developed a new high temperature Direct Insertion Probe (HT-DIP) for the ThermoQuest (Finnigan MAT) GCQ instruments. These probes can be used from ambient temperatures up to 800o C with a ballistic temperature ramping of over 700o C/min.
SIS Probe Inlet System for the GCQ Instruments has been redesigned to improve
the operation of the standard probe inlet and to increase seal life by
a factor of 50 or more. This is accomplished via the use of PTFE seals
with a greater vacuum sealing surface area.
Posted 3/15/99
LC/GC Integrator (GC or LC to PC Integrator)
A new low cost GC or LC 4 channel integrator for use with
any PC is now available from SIS.
Posted 3/15/99
CombiFilter Gas Filter (GC carrier Gas Line Filter)
The Super-Clean Gas Filters introduce no impurities, they just take
them out! The SGT Super-Clean gas Filter™ System combines high
efficiency removal of impurities and is easy to use and operate. The filters
are replaced simply by unscrewing the retaining ring, removing the spent
filter cartridge and replacing it with a new filter cartridge. In addition,
these filters are designed to fit to other similar designed base plates.
Posted 3/15/99
Shortix Plus Column Cutter [discontinued]
Two new Shortix capillary column cutters are now available
from SIS. The standard Shortix permits anyone independent
from skill and experience level, to make the perfect cut. The new
Shortix Plus contains the Shortix capillary column cutter in a handy Swiss
Army Style pocket knife plus an array of handy GC column tools. The idea
tool for any chromatographers toolbox.
Posted 3/15/99
PittCon 98 Presentations
The following posters were presented by SIS at the PittCon 99 meeting in Orlando Florida.
73. The Analysis of Perfumes and their Effect on Indoor Air Pollution
78. A new solution to eliminate MS down-time with no-tool-changing of analytical GC Columns
81. Rapid Bacterial Chemotaxonomy by Direct Probe/MSD
Posted 12/8/98
New Application Notes Now on our WEB site
The following application notes have just been posted to our web site. These are presentations that we presented at PittCon 98, ASMS 98 and EAS 98. The publications cover applications in Thermal Desorption, MS Direct Probe, CRIMS and SIMION 3D.
60. Programmable Temperature Ramping of Samples Analyzed via Direct Thermal Extraction GC/MS
61. Analysis of Sugars via a New DEP Probe Tip for use with the Direct Probe on the HP5973 MSD
62. Analysis of Polymer Samples Using a Direct Insertion Probe and EI Ionization
63. Organics in Printer Toners using Thermal Desorption
64. Comparison of Various GC/MS Techniques for the Analysis of Black Pepper
65. Determination of Ethylene by Adsorbent Trapping and Thermal Desorption GC
66. Optimization of Probe Tip Design on a Mass Spectrometer Direct Insertion Probe
67. Using Chemical Reaction Interface (CRIMS) to Monitor Bacteria Transport in Situ
68. Using a Plug In UV-Vis Spectrometer to Monitor the Plasma Conditions in a GC CRIMS
69. Application of SIMION 6.0 to the Study of Finkelstein - Part I
70. A Revisitation of the Finkelstein Ion Source using SIMION 3D - Part II
71. Flavor Profile Determination of Rice Samples Using Thermal Desorption
73. The Analysis of Perfumes and Their Effect on Indoor Air Polution
74. Examination of Source Design in Electrospray-TOF Using SIMION 3D
76. Determination of the Sensitivity of a CRIMS System
77. The Determination of
Volatile Organics in Vacuum System Components
Posted 11/2/98
Our new 1999-2000 General Catalog has expanded to more than 600 pages.
It contains a wide variety of supplies and services for mass spectrometers,
gas chromatographs, liquid chromatographs and other scientific instruments.
Scientific Instrument Services has become one of the major resources for
mass spectroscopists for over 20 years. From filament repair, and source
cleaning to mass spec probes and much more. With over 25,000 scientific
supply products to choose from, no scientist should be without this catalog.
Request your copy of this catalog.
Posted 11/2/98
SIS Mass Spec Newsletter Revived
Scientific Instrument Services will once again be publishing the Mass Spec Newsletter. During the past 2 years a great deal of of resources have been devoted to the Internet, our building expansion and new product development. During that time we stopped publishing this newsletter, but it will once again be revived beginning with the February 1999 edition.
The SIS Mass Spec Source Newsletter is designed for the mass spec community.
This newsletter is published 3 or 4 times per year by Scientific Instrument
Services beginning February 1999. Each issue contains a variety of
articles relating to mass spectrometers and related instruments.
Articles are written by the staff of Scientific Instrument Services, our
suppliers and our customers. Topics for articles include the service and
repair of mass spectrometers, techniques to improve the operation of the
mass spectrometer, mass spec tools, software aids for the mass spectrometer
and much more. Each issue also contains new products and services available
from Scientific Instrument Services. Subscribe now to the Mass Spec
Source Newsletter.
Posted 11/2/98
SIS now Authorized reseller of Hewlett-Packard Supplies
Hewlett-Packard GC - LC - MS Supplies. Scientific Instrument Services is now an authorized reseller of the entire Hewlett-Packard Consumables and Accessories. These include supplies for mass spectrometers, gas chromatographs and liquid chromatographs. The HP product line will be included in our new catalog or you can order from SIS through your Hewlett-Packard Catalog. Order your copy of the Hewlett-Packard Consumables and Accessories Catalog. US Only
Posted 11/2/98
SIS at 1998 Eastern Analytical Symposium Meeting
SIS Presentations at the 1998 EAS Meeting
Once again we are planning for the Eastern Analytical Symposium meeting to be held November 16 to 19, 1998 at the Garden State Convention Center in Somerset, NJ. The EAS has become one of the major scientific meetings of the year on the east coast. There are over 600 technical presentations, 24 Short Courses, 27 Workshops and 17 Tutorials planned for this years meeting in addition to a manufacturers exhibit of equipment. Full details of the meeting can be found on the EAS homepage. SIS will exhibiting at this meeting and will be presenting several papers and lectures that may be of interest to you. Abstracts are available on the list of presentations that follows:The Analysis of Perfumes and their Effect on Indoor Air Polution, John J. Manura, Poster. on Wednesday, November 18, 1998
An apparatus for Sampling volatiaale Organics from Live Plant Material Using Short Path Thermal Desorption, E. Butrym, Poster on Wednesday November 18, 1998
An Examination of Source Design in electrospray-TOF Using SIMION 3D, S.M. Colby, Poster on Thursday, November 19, 1998
Rapid Analysis of Pharmaceutical and Forensic Data using Peak Deconvolution,
Steve Colby and John Manura, Lecture on Thursday, November 19, 1998 at
Posted 10/2/98
Year 2000 Issues at SIS (link outdated)
Scientific Instrument Services Year 2000 Corporate Strategy
Scientific Instrument Services acknowledges and recognizes Year 2000
issues relating to computer systems, microprocessors and computer based
products and components. We recognize the industry concerns for our
continued day-to-day operations in invoicing, accounting, order processing,
manufacturing processing, shipping and receiving. It is the intent
and goal of Scientific Instrument Services to provide uninterrupted business
services and delivery of products to our customers. Scientific Instrument
Services is making every effort to assure that our systems are Year 2000
compliant. This includes assuring that our computer systems, accounting
systems, shipping and delivery systems, records maintenance systems, and
banking systems are in order for the year 2000. In addition we are
in the process of verifying that the products we manufacture and distribute
are Year 2000 compliant. However we cannot guarantee that some unforeseen
issue will not arise. Scientific Instrument Services is a dealer
for more than 100 different companies and cannot guarantee that these suppliers
will be able to provide 100% guaranteed delivery and service in all cases.
To verify the Year 2000 Compliance issues concerning a particular product
that SIS supplies, please visit the SIS Manufactured products page or the
SIS Distributed products page on our internet site. In addition we are
the supplier of a large number of software packages, some of which are
listed on our PC Software Products web page and have been verified to be
Year 2000 compliant. However for other products not listed, we recommend
that you check with the manufacturer of these products to verify if they
are year 2000 compliant. Scientific Instrument Services has a comprehensive
Year 2000 plan in process, which includes our internal computer systems
operations and our vendors and service providers as described on our Y2K
Internet pages.
Posted 11/2/98
NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spec Database
107,886 Compounds
107,829 Chemical Structures
129,136 Spectra
21,250 Replicate Spectra
13,205 Compounds with Replicate Spectra
93 Average Peaks per Spectrum
78 Median peaks per Spectrum
75% Increase in coverage from high quality
NIST 98 is a fully evaluated collection of electron impact (EI) mass spectra. It is the product of a ten year, comprehensive evaluation and expansion of the world's most widely used mass spectral reference library by a team of experience mass spectrometrists in which each spectrum was examined for correctness. This has lead to thousands of selections, deletions and modifications to produce an optimal reference library of compound identification by spectrum matching and library searching. All decisions required agreement by two evaluators, as described in presentations at major conferences.
The 75% increase in coverage was accomplished primarily by the addition of complete, high quality spectra either measured specifically for the library or taken from major practical collections, including:
Chemical Concepts - including Prof Henneberg's
industrial chemicals collection
Georgia and Virginia Crime Laboratories
TNO Flavors and Fragrances
AAFS Toxicology Section, Drug Library
Association of Official Racing Chemists
St. Louis University Urinary Acids
VERIFIN & CBDCOM Chemical Weapons
The NIST/EPA/NIH Main Library now contains spectra of more than 100,000
compounds along with associated chemical identification data including
chemical structures, synonyms, and other relevant information. The best
quality spectra are placed in the Main Library; and good-quality, alternate
spectra are provided in the Selected Replicates Library, bringing the total
number of spectra to over 130,000. Each spectrum has been carefully evaluated,
and all decisions regarding selection or deletion were made only after
agreement of two experienced mass spectral evaluators. While computer methods
assisted in finding chemical identification errors and inconsistencies,
and revealed certain varieties of mass spectral errors, manual interpretation
was the principal basis for this evaluation effort. All erroneous spectra
from previous versions were removed or replaced. Efforts were also made
to remove duplication of the same or edited forms of a single spectrum
and to limit the replicate library to spectra showing a meaningful degree
of variability. This release represents the largest increase in both quality
and coverage in the 25-year history of the NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Database the
world's most widely used reference MS database and for the first time that
it can be stated that the library has been fully evaluated. The objective
of this effort was to provide the best possible reference library for compound
identification by mass spectral library searching.
Posted 11/2/98
SIS Building Addition Completed on Schedule
The new shop and office facilities of Scientific Instrument Services
are now complete and are fully occupied. This expansion has been
in the planning stages for more than three years. The new addition more
than doubles our facitities to about 10,000 square feet of offices, shops
and warehouse. The major purpose of this addition is provide us with new
and expanded shop facilities to better serve our customers. Included in
the new expansion are two filament repair rooms, a sandblasting room, a
filament assembly and cleaning room, a welding and brazing room, an equipment
assembly room, a quality control room, a product development room, a drafting
and computer room, offices for our shop and product development staff and
a lunch and lecture room. In addition we are constructing a machine shop
in the basement of the new addition. This expansion will enable us
to expand our staff as well as add additional equipment and repair capabilities.
The old shop areas in the present building will be remodeled into new offices
for our office staff at some time in the future.
Posted 1/1/98
Chemical Reaction Interface Mass Spectrometry (CRIMS)
Scientific Instrument Services is currently developing both GC and LC CRIMS systems. These products are based on the work and methods of Fred Abramson of George Washington University. The GC CRIMS system has been built and is currently being tested in our laboratory. Over the next 12 to 18 months we will be assembling an LC-CRIMS system which will be introduced at Pitt Con in March 1999 and is scheduled for shipment in late Summer 1999. These systems will be available as full GCMS or LCMS Systems based on the new HP 5973 MSD.
For additional information please contact Scientific Instrument Services
contact us.
Posted 9/1/97
The complete line of Wheaton glassware including glass and plastic bottles
is now available online from SIS. Our index system makes it easy to find
your bottle requirements since it classifies bottles by material of construction,
bottle type, and bottle top style. Using our new on line ordering system
makes it easy for you to order your glassware.
Posted 8/18/97
Online Ordering: from the SIS Web pages
Available only on Internet Explorer 3.0/4.0
and Netscape 3.0/4.0.
NOT available on Netscape 2.0 but MAY work on other Java Script enabled
web browers.
If your browser does not satisfy these conditions, see other
ordering methods above.
You can now place your SIS order through the Internet. When browsing through our pages, you can add products to your personal "shopping cart" by typing in the quantity to purchase and clicking "Add." You are then shown the contents of your shopping cart, and you can make additions, subtractions and modifications to your order.
When you are finished browsing our site and selecting
products, open up your shopping cart again by clicking any "View Purchase
List" button. Once opened, click "Finish Order" to proceed to
complete and send your order via the Internet.
See Also
- News - main index