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GC Injection Port Liners for Agilent 5890

Catalog B9
GC Injection Port Liners for Agilent 5890
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The injection port liners for the Agilent 5890 GC are available from SIS for the splitless injector.

Part No. Description OEMSize Price
QIPL6 Direct Injection Liner HP# 18740802006.5 X 1.4 X 79.5 MM CALL
GIPL6 Glass Direct Injection Liner HP# 18740802006.5 X 1.4 X 79.5 MM CALL
QIPL7 Quartz Direct Injection Liner HP# 18740-80220 CALL
GIPL7 Class Injection Liner HP# 18740-80220 CALL
GIPL8 Glass Injection Port Liner CALL
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