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Thermo/Finnigan 5100 Ceramic Body Filament

Thermo/Finnigan 5100 Ceramic Body Filament
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Product ID : FF51
FF51 5100 Ceramic Body Filaments


Redesigned and Manufactured by SIS for the Thermo/Finnigan 5100 Series Mass Spectrometers

This filament has been specifically designed for the Thermo/Finnigan 5100 heated source. The 0.032" diameter filament leads protrude out of the side to clear the source block and permit attachment with two in-line connectors (SIS Part #SC1). The leads can be cut to desired length before attachment of the connectors. Ceramic and sapphire mounting insulators used for the metal filaments are not required for these ceramic body filaments. This ceramic body filament will eliminate shorting out problems common with the stainless steel style filaments and will provide for improved performance.

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