Scientific Instrument Services™ manufactures replacements filaments for the Thermo/VG TRACE MS. This new design is a direct retrofit for the original.
- Thermo Filament Repair at SIS Filament repairs for all of your Thermo instruments.
- Electron Multiplier Detectors Search over 200 electron multiplier detectors to match your instrument, mass spec, or other application. Multipliers from top manufacturers including DeTech and ETP.
- Mass Spectrometry - Thermo/Finnigan SIS supplies new parts or repairs old parts on your Thermo/Finnigan instrument.
Micro-Mesh® Regular Sheets
Micro-Mesh® Craftsman Kits
This compound is available in bottles of 35, 100, and 200 grams.
Inland 45 is the highest quality rough pump oil you can use for your mass spectrometer.
The ALX6004 superfine aluminum oxide cleaning abrasive is the finest grit aluminum oxide abrasive.