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Apiezon® H Greases

Apiezon® H Greases
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Product ID : H25
H25 Apiezon H, Size=25 g. tube


High Temperature Vacuum Grease, Silicone Free

This grease, the latest addition to the Apiezon range of greases, will withstand temperatures up to 250 °C without melting. In fact, it stiffens somewhat above 40 °C. Vapor pressure is estimated to be 2 x 10-9 torr at 20 °C. It is of a rubbery nature and is intended for the same applications as Grease T but where higher operating temperatures are required. Grease H can be used at ambient temperature and down to approximately -15 °C, but at this temperature it becomes sticky and is no longer a good lubricant.


Property Grease H
Vapor Pressure at 20 °C, torr 2x10-9
Approximate Melting Point (a)
Specific Gravity at 20 °C
30 °C
Viscosity cP at 20 °C
100 °C
Average Molecular Weight 1000
Coefficient of Expansion per °C *  
Thermal Conductivity w/m/°C 0.216
Specific Heat at 25 °C, cal/g 0.42
Latent heat of fusion, cal/g  
Volume resistivity, ohm cms 4.6x10+13
Permitivity 2.4
Loss tangent 0.096
Surface breakdown, kV at flash over 22
Electric strength, volts/mil 670

* Over temperature range 20 to 30 °C
(a)  Greases AP101 and H do not melt at high temperatures and consequently many of the above physical properties cannot readily be measured
(b)  Specific heats of Greases L, M, N and T cannot be measured as their fusion peaks are too close to room temperature.


PRECAUTIONS: Apiezon Products - Health and Safety

Apiezon products have been widely and safely used in vacuum distillation apparatus in both industry and laboratories for a number of years. As a result they should not present a health hazard assuming normal standards of industrial hygiene and safety are followed in their handling.

All Apiezon products are bases on petroleum products of a low order of acute toxicity. However, certain individual develop a rash after repeated contact. Therefore, it is recommended that gloves be worn to handle Apiezon. If Apiezon material is inadvertently in contact with the skin, wipe the area carefully, then cleanse thoroughly using a mild soap. Should any Apiezon products be heated for application, vent the fumes and avoid breathing the warm vapors.

In terms of explosion and fire, Apiezon products are considered non-hazardous.


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