Price: 41
Product ID : SC1812
SC1812B Options=Source Heater Assembly for Incos 50B Thermo #=55000-60069 SC1812 Options=Source Heater Cartridge for Incos 50, 24V, 8W Thermo #=55000-98005
Source Heater Cartridges for Incos 50 Systems
This 8 watt, 24 volt source heater cartridge for the Thermo MAT Incos 50 Source measures 3/16 inch in diameter by 1.0 inch long. The leads are approximately 2 1/2 inches long and are bare with no insulation or connector.
Incos 50B, XL and Incos 500 Heater Assembly
This 8 watt, 24 volt source heater assembly for the Thermo MAT Incos 50B Source measures 3/16 inch in diameter by 1.0 inch long. Heater leads include ceramic insulators and in-line connectors for installation.
- Thermo MS Filaments Replacement filaments for your Thermo mass spectrometer
- Mass Spectrometry - Thermo/Finnigan SIS supplies new parts or repairs old parts on your Thermo/Finnigan instrument.
This is a direct replacement for Thermo #55000-60085.
A wide variety of alumina ceramic washers.
The following alumina insulators are currently available for the Thermo instruments.
Alumina ceramics for the Incos 50 Source.
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Micro-Mesh® Regular Sheets
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