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Telatemp Micro Submersible Datalogger Intrinsically Safe

Telatemp Temperature Data Loggers - Micro Submersible Datalogger Intrinsically Safe
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Telatemp's Micro Submersible ML-HTS-B-IS Temperature Data Logger is designed to record temperatures between -40 °C to 80 °C (-40 °F to 176 °F) with 0.1 °C resolution and ±0.5 °C accuracy from 0 °C to 50 °C.

Certified as intrinsically safe for Class I, Division 1, groups A, B, C and D and non-incendive for Class I, Division 2, groups A, B, C and D hazardous environments. This compact, portable data logger is housed in a stainless steel case and will record up to 32,767 date and time stamped temperature readings at user-defined intervals.

MLSPUSB Software & USB Interface is required.

See Micro Submersible ML-HTS-B-IS Datalogger Product information sheet for specifications.

Part No. Description Quantity
In Stock
MLHTSBIS Intrinsically Safe Recorder -40C to +80C DISCONTINUED------
MLSPUSB MLSP SOFTWARE SUPPORT PACKAGE INCLUDES USB INTERFACE CABLE, SOFTWARE AND OPERATION; MANUAL 0Standard lead-time for non-stock items is approximately two weeks depending on the item. $155.00
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