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Scientific Instrument Services, Inc. offers a wide range of ceramics for use as thermal and electrical insulators in mass spectrometers and other scientific instruments.

  • AgilentAgilent
    Replacement insulators for Agilent mass spectrometers.
  • Dupont CECDupont CEC
    Ceramic insulators for Dupont/CEC.
  • ExtrelExtrel
    Source insulators for Extrel mass spectrometers
  • Fision/VGFision/VG
    Replacement insulators for your VG mass spec
    Replacement insulators for your JEOL MS.
  • KratosKratos
    Ceramic insulators for Kratos mass specs
  • NermagNermag
    Replacement insulators for Nermag.
  • ThermoThermo
    The following alumina insulators are currently available for the Thermo instruments.
  • VestecVestec
    Ceramic insulators for Vestec instruments.

Scientific Instrument Services can provide a wide array of ceramic insulators for use in mass spectrometers and other scientific instruments. Most of the ceramic insulators described in the following sections are constructed from high purity alumina ceramic. They have been machined to very close tolerances as noted.

If the ceramic insulator you require is not listed in these pages, it can be custom ordered from S.I.S. Contact us with the dimensions of the ceramic insulator you require and we will quote on it. In addition to high purity alumina ceramic, we can also fabricate insulators out of Macor ceramics and Vespel® insulating materials. These softer materials are easier to machine, are less expensive and can normally be delivered to you in two to three weeks.