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Apiezon® W40 Wax

Apiezon® Waxes
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Product ID : APW40
APW40 Apiezon W40 Wax, Size=250 g. can


Wax W40 is relatively soft; softening at about 40'C.

Wax W would be chosen for sealing most joints; a softer grade is used where the lower softening point makes application easier or where the softer wax is desirable because of probable vibration of the joint.

Spec Tables

Apiezon® Waxes Technical Data Wax W40
Approximate softening point, degrees C 45
Temperature for application, degrees C 90
Maximum temperature for use, degrees C 40
Specific gravity at 20 deg.C/15.5 deg.C 1.017
Specific gravity at 30 deg.C/15.5 deg.C 1.010
Average molecular weight 1140
Coefficient of expansion per deg.C over 20 deg.C-20 degC 0.00063
Thermal conductivity Btu. in/ft2h degrees F 1.23
w/m degrees C 0.177
Specific heat at 25 degrees C, cal/g 0.51
Joule/g 2.1
Loss tanget 0.015
Permittivity 2.9
Volume resistivity, ohm/cms 5.055x1015


PRECAUTIONS: Apiezon Products - Health and Safety

Apiezon products have been widely and safely used in vacuum distillation apparatus in both industry and laboratories for a number of years.  As a result they should not present a health hazard assuming normal standards of industrial hygiene and safety are followed in their handling.

All Apiezon products are bases on petroleum products of a low order of acute toxicity.  However, certain individual develop a rash after repeated contact.  Therefore, it is recommended that gloves be worn to handle Apiezon.  If Apiezon material is inadvertently in contact with the skin, wipe the area carefully, then cleanse thoroughly using a mild soap.  Should any Apiezon products be heated for application, vent the fumes and avoid breathing the warm vapors.

In terms of explosion and fire, Apiezon products are considered non-hazardous.


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