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Perkin Elmer MS Source Cleaning

Scientific Instrument Services, Inc. cleans all sources for the Perkin Elmer mass spectrometers. Whether you have an inner or outer, we can clean it!

  • Perkin Elmer Inner Source CleaningPerkin Elmer Inner Source Cleaning
    Scientific Instrument Services provides a mass spectrometer source cleaning service. We can expertly clean and service most models of mass spectrometer sources including filament repair. Fast turn-around of repairs. Cleaning of entire source block, lenses, insulators, filament and repeller assembly.
  • Perkin Elmer Outer Source CleaningPerkin Elmer Outer Source Cleaning
    Scientific Instrument Services provides a mass spectrometer source cleaning service. We can expertly clean and service most models of mass spectrometer sources including filament repair. Fast turn-around of repairs. Cleaning of entire source block, lenses, insulators.


Mass Spectrometer Source Cleaning

  • Expert cleaning & repair of mass spec sources
  • Filaments repaired and accurately aligned on mass spec source
  • Fast turn-around of your sources for repair

This is NOT an exchange program - The same source that we receive from you is cleaned and repaired and then sent back to you - ready to install into your mass spectrometer.

Scientific Instrument Services now offers a service of mass spectrometer source cleaning. We can clean and service most models of mass spectrometer sources many of which are listed. If your source is not listed please contact us. For sources not listed below please include a copy of the manufacturers assembly instructions and schematic of the source assembly when the parts are sent in for repair.

Cleaning Procedures

The source cleaning article describes in detail the steps and equipment used in the cleaning and repair of all the MS sources that we service at SIS.

Source cleaning begins with the complete disassembly of the source. The metal parts are cleaned and polished, then washed with solvents. The parts are then thoroughly washed in our high temperature ultrasonic cleaner using high purity water and then dried. Finally the metal parts are baked out.

All ceramic insulators are sandblasted, followed by solvent washing and a high temperature bake-out. If broken, most of these ceramics can be replace at no extra cost, with the exception of those with a cost of $50.00 or more. Vespel® insulators are washed and baked out with the same procedures used for the metal parts described above.

If old filaments are included with the source, they are cleaned and repaired using our standard filament cleaning and repair procedures. The filaments are repaired using the standard original filament material used in the original manufacture of the filament. For a complete description of this repair service see the section on Mass Spectrometer Filament Repair and Manufacture.

Not included in the source repairs are the replacement of the filaments, collectors, heaters, screws or other missing parts. If these parts need to be replaced, this may delay return delivery until we can obtain replacement parts from the manufacturer and additional charges may be incurred. If the source heaters are sent in with the source, additional charges will be incurred if these items are damaged and need additional repairs or replacement.

After all parts have been repaired, cleaned and baked out, the source is reassembled in a clean environment in a laminar flow hood. The filament is reinstalled and accurately aligned over the ion source entrance using an optical video microscope system.. The source is checked for resistance leaks due to bad or cracked insulators followed by a thorough visual inspection.

Your source is now ready for installation into your mass spectrometer.

If your source is not listed, it can still be repaired and cleaned by S.I.S. A copy of your source assembly/disassembly schematic from your mass spec manual should be sent in with your source.

Shipping Instructions

Normally the source block, associated source parts and the filament should be shipped in for repair. The source should be thoroughly wrapped in packaging material and double boxed to avoid damage during shipment.

All the mass spectrometer sources listed have been repaired by S.I.S. If your mass spectrometer source is not listed below, it can still be repaired by S.I.S. A copy of your source assembly/disassembly schematic from your mass spec manual should be sent in with your source.

Send your source with old filament(s) attached, along with your purchase order to:

     Adaptas Scientific Instrument Services
     9 Second Street
     Palmer, MA   01069
         Attn:  Source Repair - Rush

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