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Micro-Mesh® Acrylic Headlight Lens Restoral Kit - Manual

Micro-Mesh® Headlight Kits
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Price: 22.26
Product ID : 3KHDLGT
3KHDLGT Micro-Mesh Headlight Lens Kit - Manual Version


The following Micro-Mesh® Kits have been developed to remove haze, cloudiness and fine scratches from acrylic headlight lenses.

You'll be surprised at what a difference having crystal clear headlights can have on the overall appearance of your vehicle! In just a matter of minutes you can remove haze, cloudiness, and scratches with this easy-to-use kit. Easy to use double sided MICRO-MESH SOFT TOUCH PADS make removing cloudiness and haze from lenses, lense covers, tail lights, tail light black-outs, and bug deflectors a snap! Each kits contains: 3 IN. x 4 IN. double sided pads in 120/220, 400/1500, 2400/3600, 4000/12000, 1 oz. bottle MICRO-GLOSS liquid abrasive, and 2 cotton flannel cloths. Clean, dry, and reuse over and over - A FANTASTIC VALUE!


  • # MM120220STP3": 1 - 3" x 4" Double-sided SOFT TOUCH PAD - 120/220
  • # MM4001500STP3: 1 - 3" X 4" Double-sided MICRO-MESH SOFT TOUCH PAD - 400/1500
  • # MM24003600STP3: 1 - 3" X 4" Double-sided MICRO-MESH SOFT TOUCH PAD - 2400/3600
  • # MM400012000STP3: 1 - 3" X 4" Double-sided MICRO-MESH SOFT TOUCH PAD - 4000/12000
  • 1 - 1 OZ. Bottle MICRO-GLOSS liquid abrasive
  • 2 - Cotton, flannel cloths
  • 1 - Instructions

Additional information: Headlight Lens Kit Instructions

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