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Minor Source Cleaning Kit

Catalog A68
Minor Source Cleaning Kit
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Price: 286.48
Product ID : SK2
SK2 Minor mass spec source cleaning kit

Minor Kit

SK2 Minor MS Source Cleaning Kit

The kit includes Micro Mesh polishing cloths and boards for cleaning and polishing the metal parts. The kit also includes a selection of other products list-ed below to aid in cleaning and handling the small instrument parts.

Kit includes:

  • 24 Nylon Gloves, Large, Case of 24 pair
  • 300 Clean Tex Cloths, 9" x 9" wipes
  • 2 Micro Mesh Abrasive Sheet Kit
  • 2 Micro Mesh Polishing File Board
  • 500 Cotton Tipped Applicators, pkg. of 100,
  • 1 4 oz. of 600 Grit Aluminum Oxide
  • 1 Disposable Dust-Off XL,
  • 1 Tweezer Set,
  • 1 Six Piece Jewelers Screwdriver Set,
  • 1 Binocular Magnifier,
  • 1 SIS Source Cleaning Instructions


Based on more than 25 years of experience in cleaning mass spec sources, SIS has put together two convenient kits to help you in the service and maintenance of your mass spectrometer. In these kits we combined the various tools, polishing and cleaning materials that can be used to clean your source. We have also included instructions on source cleaning from SIS based on our experiences of cleaning hundreds of sources over the years. All of the products listed are available individually in our catalog, if you just need a few items or need to replenish your supply.


Included in each of our kits is a copy of the SIS Source Cleaning Instructions. This is a compilation of the procedures used by Scientific Instrument Services for the cleaning of mass spectrometer sources over the last 25 years. This article incorporates the current techniques used at SIS as well as procedures reported in our Mass Spec Handbook of Service (published in 1983 and now out of print), articles published in back issues of the "Mass Spec Source Newsletter" as well as application notes published on the SIS web site ( These methods have been tested and modified over the years with the availability of new equipment and with the input from many other mass spectrometer users. In addition we have included several alternative techniques for the same operation, when these methods have been recommended by the instrument manufacturers. As a result this article provides for a comprehensive resource of techniques and methods for the cleaning of mass spectrometer sources for most mass spectrometers. This article is also available on the web at:

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