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Micro-Mesh® Countertop Repair Kit

Micro-Mesh® Countertop Repair Kit
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Price: 23.99
Product ID : 3KCOUNT


This kit is especially designed to touch up solid surface countertops when they become damaged.

Soft Touch Pads are made of two Micro-Mesh sheets laminated to a 3/16" foam center. They are long lasting and easily conform to convex or concave surfaces. Use the appropriate pad to remove the damage and then work through the different grades of Micro-Mesh until you have matched your finish. this kit will handle finished ranging from matte to high gloss.


  • 4 - 3" X 4" Micro-Mesh Soft Touch Pads
    • 1 - 300 AO White / 300 AO White pad
    • 1 - 600 AO Yellow / 800 AO Green pad
    • 1 - 1500 AO Peach / 1400 AO Lilac pad
    • 1 - 4000 AO Blue / 12000 AO Gray pad
  • 1-Instructions

Additional information: Information on plastic finishing

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