This 100 ohm platinum resistance thermometer for the Perkin Elmer Q-Mass has ceramic insulated leads. It does not include connectors.
- Mass Spec Source Cleaning Service at SIS Expert cleaning & repair of mass spectrometer sources.
- SIS MS Filament and Heater Repair Mass Spectrometer filaments and heaters can be repaired and restored to a like-new condition at S.I.S.
- Perkin Elmer MS Filaments SIS manufactures PE Filaments.
The source heaters for the Perkin Elmer Q Mass 900 and 910 instruments are available.
When ordering the Short Path Thermal Desorption System, a wide range of systems and accessories are available depending on the application requirements of the user.
Seals are utilized in a variety of locations in the Short Path Thermal Desorption Unit.
This 8 watt, 24 volt source heater cartridge for the Finnigan MAT Incos 50 Source measures 3/16 inch in diameter by 1.0 inch long.
Fiberglass brushes are manufactured from spun glass in two grades of material - coarse and fine.
These PRT elements can be used with precision laboratory and industrial instruments.