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Product ID : SC181900
SC181900 Diameter (in)=3/16 PE Q-Mass Heater, Voltage=6, Watts=10 SC181910 Diameter (in)=1/4 PE Q-Mass Heater, Voltage=24, Watts=20
Q Mass 900
The source heater for the Perkin Elmer Q Mass 900 instrument are available from S.I.S. Part number SC181900 is 3/16" diameter and is rated at 6 volts, 10 watts and 1.0" long.Q Mass 910
The source heater for the Perkin Elmer Q Mass 910 instruments are available from S.I.S. The SC181910 is 1/4" diameter and is rated at 24 volts, 20 watts and 1.0" long.Mass Spec Source Cleaning Service at SIS
Expert cleaning & repair of mass spectrometer sources.SIS MS Filament and Heater Repair
Mass Spectrometer filaments and heaters can be repaired and restored to a like-new condition at S.I.S.Perkin Elmer MS Filaments
SIS manufactures PE Filaments.

Replacement temperature sensor.

Santovac 5P Ultra has the same properties of Santovac 5 but guarantees minimal amounts of the 3 and 4 ring polyphenyl ethers; less than .02% and .1% respectively and for ultra-clean applications such as
mass spectrometry.

All stopcocks and movable joints in a high vacuum system must be satisfactorily lubricated, yet leak proof.