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- Local U.S. Chromatography Discussion Groups (This Page)
The following local Chromatography Discussion Groups provide chromatographers the opportunity to meet with other chromatographers to discuss their work and to mix socially with peers. Scientific Instrument Services offers this listing as a service to help our customers identify organizations in their area. Most groups actively encourage new members. If you would like to attend their meetings please contact the meeting chairman as listed below.
If your group is not listed here, and you would like to have your group and its meeting schedule listed, please let us know. We would be glad to list any professional chromatography group and include their meeting schedule. If your group has a home page, we will hyperlink to it.
New England Chromatography Council
Geographic representation: No restrictions; most members from New England
Number of members: 120
Membership criteria: Anyone interested in fostering separation sciences
Special application or technique focus: GC,
GC-MS, LC, LC-MS, CZE, CE, and reversed-phase LC
Regular meeting time and location: Meeting on last Tuesday of each month, location varies, but usually in Connecticut
Sponsoring organizations: New England area vendors and universities
Publications: Annual newsletter
Special activities: Presently planning fall meeting agenda
Awards: Lifetime achievement award
Offices and board members: Paul Clark, president; Penni Myers, vice-president; Csaba Horvdth, past president; Adam Grobin, secretary; Robert Dean, treasurer; Derek Hook, Ursula Caterbone, Malika Akhtar, Fred Ruszala, James Stuart, Albert Kind, Peter Kinkade, Carlos Quimbaya, and Paul Riska, directors.
Contact information: Paul Clark, NECC, P.O. Box 595, Simsbury, CT 06070, tel. (203) 424-3345, fax (203) 566-4379
New York Chromatography Society
Geographic representation: No restrictions; most members from North New Jersey, New York, and South Connecticut
Number of members: 95
Membership criteria: Attend a meeting and sign a mailing list request
Special application or technique focus: Chromatographic applications
Regular meeting time and location: Second Wednesday of each month, location alternates between Suffern and Tarrytown, New York.
Sponsoring organizations: CIBA-GEIGY Corp., Varian, Mac-Mod Analytical, Perkin-Elmer, and Hewlett-Packard
Publications: Meeting announcements may be obtained by contacting the chair or secretary Special activities: Mini symposium in May or June every year, topics vary; joint meetings with Rockland and North Jersey Chromatography groups
Officers and board members: Bryan W. Sandmann, chair; Mike O'Hare, past chair; Ursula Caterbone, secretary; Anita Ciriello, treasurer; Donald Damoth, David Miller, and Michael A. Ruberto, directors
Contact information: Bryan Sandmann, CIBA-GEIGY Corp., 444 Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley, New York 10502, tel. (914) 479-4738, fax (914) 479-2996, or Ursula Caterbone, MacMod Analytical, 294 Newtown Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06851, tel. (203) 847-2285, fax (203) 845-0105
North Jersey Chromatography Topical Group
Geographic representation: Mostly northern New Jersey
Number of members: 500
Membership criteria: Interest in chromatography, ACS membership recommended Special application or technique focus: All aspects of chromatography, electrophoresis, and hyphenated methods
Regular meeting time and location: First Monday of each month September-May, location varies
Sponsoring organization: American Chemical Society
Publications: Monthly meeting notices Special activities: Summer symposium Officers and board members: Olu Aloba, chair; Kevin Slatkavitz, past chair; Bill Suite, secretary and chair-elect
Committee members: Jonathan Crowther, Benjamin Lay, Doreen Schwanenflugel, Brooks Sunday, and Marie Woodruff
Contact information: Olu Aloba, Warner-Lambert Co., 182 Tabor Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950, tel. (201) 540-2608, fax (201) 540-6810
Northeast Regional Chromatography Discussion Group
Geographic representation: Most members from western and central New York state
Number of members: 500
Membership criteria: Any practicing chromatographer
Special application or technique focus: Any aspect of separation science
Regular meeting time and location: Spring meeting in May in Rochester, New York; Fall meeting in October in Buffalo, New York Sponsoring organizations: Eastman Kodak, Xerox, Bausch & Lomb, Occidental Chemical, Allied Signal, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Fisons Pharmaceuticals, and Astra Pharmaceuticals
Special activities: Chromatography Symposium as part of the Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, 22-25 October 1995, in Rochester, New York Awards: National Chromatography Award, Alram Davis Undergraduate Research Award Officers and board members: Tammi Flannery, president; James O'Brien, treasurer; Walter Conway, secretary
Contact information: James E. O'Brien, Astra/Arcus Research Corp., P.O. Box 20890, Rochester, NY 14602, tel. (716) 274-5693, fax (716) 272-3931
Chromatography forum of The Delaware Valley
Geographic representation: No restrictions.
Most members from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware
Number of members: 450
Membership criteria: Interest
Special application or technique focus: All chromatographic techniques
Regular meeting time and location: Monthly dinner meeting at various locations in the Delaware Valley area
Publications: Monthly meeting notice Special activities: Dal Nogare Award Symposium at the Pittsburgh Conference; Symposia at Eastern Analytical Symposium; short courses in LC, GC, TLC, and advanced LC Officers and board members: Thomas Brettell, president
Committee names and chairs: M.E. McNally, Dal Nogare Award committee; Bill Champion, LC short course; Sally Stafford, GC short course; Jim Alexander, advanced LC course; Lyle Pfifer, Finance; Leon Lakritz, student symposium; and Joe Touchstone, TLC short course
Contact information: Thomas Brettell, N.J. State Police, Forensic Science Bureau, P.O. Box 7068, West Trenton, NJ 08628, tel. (609) 882-2000 ext. 2692, fax (609) 882-0321; or for membership, contact BCD Systems, 3403 Lancaster Pike, Wilmington, DE 19805
Hunt Valley Separation Science Discussion Group
Geographic representation: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.
Membership criteria: Attendance at a meeting
Special application or technique focus: All areas of separation science
Regular meeting time and location: Date and location of each meeting varies
Special activities: Judging end presentations of awards at science fairs in Maryland
Awards: Baltimore Science Fair and Morgan State University Science, Math, and Engineering Fair
Officers and board members: Subhash C. Dhanesar, chair; Mike Zapf, secretary
Contact information: Subhash C. Dhanesar, Becton Dickinson, 34 Loveton Circle, Sparks, MD 21152, tel. (410) 310-3158, fax (410) 316-3048
Washington Chromatography Discussion Group
Geographic representation: No restrictions.
Most members from Washington, D.C., and Baltimore areas
Number of members: 470
Membership criteria: Active interest in chromatography
Special application or technique focus: All areas of chromatography
Regular meeting time and location: Third Tuesday of each month, September-June, 7:00 p.m. in Rockville, Maryland
Publications: Monthly newsletter
Special activities: Prep '96
Officers and board members: George Janini, president; James Girard, vice-president-program chair; Reenie Parris, secretary; Cathy Martin, treasurer
Contact information: Janet Cunningham, Barr Enterprises, P.O. Box 279, Walkersville, MD 21793, tel. (301) 898-3772, fax (301) 898-5596
Atlanta Chromatography Discussion Group
Geographic representation: Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, and South Carolina
Number of members: 250
Membership criteria: Interest in separation sciences
Special application or technique focus: Separation sciences
Regular meeting time and location: Varies
Awards: Lockhart B. Rogers Student Award
Officers and board members: Forrest L. Bayer, president; Mark Moscovitz, secretary-treasurer; Maurizio Giabbai, Jackson Ellington, and Maurica Snook, directors
Contact information: Forrest L. Bayer, The Coca-Cola Co., P.O. Drawer 1734, Atlanta, GA 30301, tel. (404) 676-2294, fax (404) 515-2349
Richmond Chromatography Discussion Group
Geographic representation: No restrictions most members from Central Virginia
Number of members: 105
Membership criteria: Active interest
Special application or technique focus: All separation sciences and relevant techniques and detectors
Regular meeting time and location: Monthly meetings on Tuesdays at Philip Morris R&D in Richmond, Virginia
Sponsoring organization: Philip Morris USA
Publications: The Richmond Chromatographer
Special activities: Symposium and vendor exhibition in October 1996
Awards: Scholarship fund in process
Officers and board members: Carol Strong, executive chair; and Jay Pierotti, program chair
Contact information: Jay Pierotti, Philip Morris USA, P.O. Box 26583, Richmond, VA 232616583, tel. (804) 274-3515, fax (804) 2743067, e-mail: rcdg@aol.com
Triangle Chromatography Discussion Group
Geographic representation: No restrictions
Number of members: 1200
Membership criteria: Attend at least one function
Special application or technique focus: All areas of chromatography and related topics
Sponsoring organization: Affiliated with North Carolina section of the American Chemical Society
Publications: Meeting and course notices
Special activities: HPLC workshop 9-11 August; Solid Phase Microextraction lecture, 12 October; Micro-HPLC lecture, 1 November; Annual symposium, May 1996. Two technical presentations in the fall (September-December) and two in the spring (January-April)
Awards: First- and second-place student posters at annual symposium and student scholarships awarded in conjunction with the North Carolina Section of ACS
Officers and board members: Jim Raymer, president; Joe Hudson, president-elect; John Hines, secretary
Contact information: John Hines, secretary, TCDG, P.O. Box 12242, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, tel. (919) 541-6647, fax (919) 541-7208, e-mail: hines@rti.org
Chicago Chromatography Discussion Group
Geographic representation: No restrictions; most members from Chicago area
Number of members: 400
Membership criteria: Interest in chromatography and $10 fee
Special application or technique focus: Chromatography
Regular meeting time and location: 4-5 technical meetings per year and 4-5 governing board meetings per year
Publications: Newsletters
Special activities: Basic GC and Basic HPLC short courses
Awards: Achievement Award in Chromatography and two scholarships
Officers and board members: James N. Story, president; Mariana Nicolae, secretary; H.J. O'Neill, treasurer
Committee names and chairs: Anne O'Donnell, Membership committee; Carl Chatfield, Scholarship committee; and Dennis Anderson, Awards committee
Contact information: Jim Michels, Nalco Chemical, One Nalco Center, Naperville, IL 60563, tel. (708) 305-2318, fax (708) 305-2921, e-mail: naperville.nalco.infonet.com
Minnesota Chromatography Forum
Geographic representation: No restrictions
Number of members: 600
Membership criteria: $10 annual fee
Special application or technique focus: LC, GC, CE, MS
Sponsoring organizations: Members and vendors
Publications: MCF newsletter, nine per year
Special activities: Invited speakers at Fall, Winter, and Spring meetings; a Spring Symposium during three days in April or May; GC and LC workshops and short courses on special topics
Awards: L.S. Palmer Award, MCF Undergraduate Research Award
Officers and board members: Dave Ehresman, presidents Sandy McDonald, past president; Lars Pekay, president-elect; Sandy Rodriguez, third-year director; Chris Bremer, second-year director; Diana Johnson, first-year director; Pat Sackett, secretary; Terry Wilson, treasurer Committee names and chairs: Dave Whitman, Symposium committee; Kim Grandprey, Education committee; Anna Maria Gaylord, Newsletter committee; Tom Robison, Membership committee; and Frank Amore, External Affairs
Contact information: Minnesota Chromatography Forum, P.O. Box 14424, University Station, Minneapolis, MN 55414
Tri-State Analytical Supercritical Fluids Discussion Group
Geographic representation: No restrictions; members primarily from Ohio (Cincinnati-Dayton-Columbus area) and Southern Indiana
Number of members: 100
Membership criteria: Open to anyone
Special application or technique focus: SFC, SFE, and related techniques
Regular meeting time and location: Quarterly, specific dates and locations vary
Sponsoring organizations: Tri-State SFG, Air Products and Chemicals, Dionex, Hewlett-Packard, Isco, Procter and Gamble, and Suprex
Publications: Meeting announcements
Special activities: Reception at Pittsburgh Conference in 1996 (in conjunction with the Midwest SFC Users Group)
Officers and board members: Doug Raynie, president; Barry Belinky, vice-president; Jamal Naiyer, secretary; and Tom Chester, treasurer
Committee names and chairs: Steve Fields, Susan Olesik, Harvey Paige, David Pinkston, and Judd Posner, Program committee
Contact information: David Pinkston, Procter and Gamble Co., Miami Valley Laboratories, P.O. Box 538707, Cincinnati, OH 452538707, tel. (513) 627-2269, fax (513) 6271233, e-mail: pinkstonjd@pg.com
California Separation Science Society
Geographic representation: No restrictions; most members from California
Number of members: 325
Membership criteria: Membership application and $25 annual fee
Special application or technique focus: All separation techniques including HPLC, GC, MS, and CE
Regular meeting time and location: Quarterly meetings at Perkin-Elmer-ABI in Foster City, California. Additional meetings and seminars as announced
Sponsoring organizations: Dionex, EM Science, Waters, Mac-Mod Analytical, Chiron, Perkin-Elmer, YMC, Rheodyne, Isis Pharmaceuticals, LC Resources, Finnigan, Pharmacia Biotech, Hewlett-Packard, and PerSeptive Biosystems
Publications: Quarterly newsletter
Special activities: Separation Technologies for the Diagnostic Lab seminar in June; evening discussion group meetings on integration algorithms and regulatory functions on 15 August; and Third International Glycobiology Symposium on 29 November-1 December in San Diego
Awards: Award for Distinguished Contributions in Separation Science
Officers and board members: Bill Hancock, president; Bob Stevenson, treasurer; Dave Nelson, Steve Bakalyar, and Michael Kunitani, other board members
Committee names and chairs: Ken Wilson, Program committee; Rosanne Chloupek, Strategic Planning committee; Alex Apffel, BitWeenies of CASSS; Leon Yengoyan, Awards committee; Bob Stevenson, Finance committee; Paddy Batchelder, Membership committee; and Paul Batchelder, Sponsorship committee
Contact information: Paddy Batchelder, P.O. Box 370, Pleasanton, CA 94588, tel. (510) 426-9601, fax (510) 484-3024, e-mail: paddybatch@aol.com