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Direct Replacement for the Heated Capillary for the Thermo-Fisher Scientific TSQ & LCQ Mass Spectrometers

Direct replacement for the Heated Capillary for the Thermo-Fisher Scientific TSQ & LCQ Mass Spec
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Direct Replacement for Thermo's Capillary Sleeve API (P/N 70005-20224) and Thermo's Capillary Mount Bushing (P/N 97000-20281)

Part No. Description Picture Quantity
In Stock
SIS7000598041 SIS HEATED CAPILLARY LCQ 0.5MM ID API II 0*Standard lead-time for non-stock items is approximately two weeks depending on the item. $1400.00
SIS7000520224 CAPILLARY SLEEVE API thumbnail 3$29.00
SIS9700020281 CAPILLARY MOUNT BUSHING thumbnail 5$29.00
K1094079 KALREZ 4079 O RING .299X.103; MAX TO 600 DEGREES F 0*Standard lead-time for non-stock items is approximately two weeks depending on the item. $41.01
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