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Next Advance Bullet Blender Homogenizer Protocols - Cancer Tissue


The Bullet Blender® Homogenizer Protocols

Above is a set of optimized protocols for the homogenization of various tissue, cell types, and organisms so you can spend less time troubleshooting and more time getting results.

All currently available protocols are listed below. Please read the General Guidelines before using the Bullet Blender® in any application.

*Bullet Blender® 5 protocols: Use the protocols for the standard Bullet Blender and scale up as appropriate.
*Bullet Blender® 50-DX protocols: Scale up standard Bullet Blende protocols and use the following volumetric ration - 1:6:2 (sample:beads:buffer). Multiply the homogenized time by 3. It is recommended using 4.8 mm or 3.2 mm stainless steel beads for homogenization in 50 mL tubes.

PLEASE NOTE: The protocols used with the Bullet Blender are different that protocols used with other bead-mill homogenizers. If you previously used another product, please be sure not to use its protocols with the Bullet Blender, as you will very likely experience different results.