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Product ID : M22W
More details on associated web page:
- Digivac Vacuum Gauge Model 22W Digivac Vacuum Gauge Model 22W is an ultra compact vacuum transmitter that delivers big results.
Santovac 5 is the industry standard oil for diffusion
Quality replacement filaments for your Ion Trap mass spectrometer. For Saturn model 2000, 2100, 2200 series
The new Tenax® GR is a composite material of Tenax® TA and 30% graphite.
Chromatography Tools
When ordering the Short Path Thermal Desorption System, a wide range of systems and accessories are available depending on the application requirements of the user.
Seals are utilized in a variety of locations in the Short Path Thermal Desorption Unit.
This 24 tube conditioning oven is used for batch flow conditioning of both empty and packed Silco Coated SS desorption tubes as well as for the flow conditioning of the desorption tube needles.
The Desorption Tube Conditioning System is used for the flow conditioning of both empty and packed Silco Coated SS desorption tubes as well as for the flow conditioning of the desorption tube needles.
Invoil 702 is designed for the rapid pumping of large volumes of gas.