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Electron Multipliers
for UTI/MKS Mass Spectrometers

Scientific Instrument Services, Inc. provides replacement detectors for your mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the top manufacturers: Detector Technologies (DeTech) and ETP.

Select your instrument:

  • AnalogAnalog
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
  • Mini-LabMini-Lab
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
  • PTT/OrionPTT/Orion
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your UTI/MKS Orion mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
  • Pulse CountingPulse Counting
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your UTI/MKS mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.