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Optimize Technologies OPTI-GUARD Guard Columns

Optimize Technologies OPTI-GUARD Guard Columns
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The OPTI-LYNX Guard Column System combines quick-connect actuation with the convenience of guard cartridges, all in a low-volume package that won't compromise your separation. Unlike many cartridge-based guard column products that sacrifice low volume for greater convenience, OPTI-LYNX keeps extra-column volume to a minimum - the connection paths to the guard cartridge have a total internal volume of less than 2 µm you get ease of use and low dispersion, all in one package.

The OPTI-LYNX Guard Column System fits any analytical column with 10-32 ports. Start with our Guard Column Holder Kit, then select OPTI-LYNX Guard Cartridges in the chemistries you require.

Custom packing with your material is also an option contact SIS for details.


  • Universal Port Adapter features a floating thread that automatically adjusts for perfect ZDV fit into practically any analytical column.
  • Flexible OPTI-LYNX hardware design facilitates easy switching from guard cartridges to precolumn filters or straight-through connections.
  • Low-volume component interfaces keep extra-column volume to a minimum.
Part No. Description Quantity
In Stock
1102232AA Opti-Lynx Guard Column Holder Kit Includes: Universal Port Adapter, Guard Holder tube, Holder Cap and Fitting DISCONTINUED------

Opti-Lynx Guard Column Cartridge
Part No. Description Quantity
In Stock
1102255EA Kromasil C18 DISCONTINUED------
1102255EB Kromasi C8 DISCONTINUED------
1102255EC Kromasil Silica DISCONTINUED------
1102255EF Kromasil NH2 DISCONTINUED------
1102255ED Kromasil Phenyl DISCONTINUED------
1102255EE Kromasil CN DISCONTINUED------
1102255EG Kromasil Anion DISCONTINUED------
1102255EH Kromasil Cation DISCONTINUED------
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