Price: 0
Product ID : VGI47
VGI47 -, VG #=M700267AD5, Name=Ceramic Spacer 5mm, OD (in)=0.184, Thickness (in)=0.197
More details on associated web pages:
- Ceramic Insulators for Fisons/VG Replacement insulators for your VG mass spec
- Ceramic Washer Insulators A wide variety of alumina ceramic washers.
- Ceramic Insulators
(Catalog A59) - Ceramic Insulators for Waters/VG/Micromass
(Catalog B22)
A wide variety of alumina ceramic washers.
Replacement insulators for your VG mass spec
Inland 45 is the highest quality rough pump oil you can use for your mass spectrometer.
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Fiberglass brushes are manufactured from spun glass in two grades of material - coarse and fine.
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