Price: 264.77
Product ID : 12473EE01
More details on associated web pages:
- SIS All-In-One Small Pump Filter Kit for Edwards 6.25" high, low cost, combined oil mist eliminator and charcoal filter proven effective for removing volatile and semi-volatile organics from exhaust of vacuum pumps.
- SIS™All-In-One Two Stage Vacuum Pump Filter Kits
(Catalog F47)
GL915R : -
The filter elements in the SIS Charcoal Filters are low in cost and disposable.
When vacuum pumps are first turned on they usually emit a considerable quantity of oil vapors into the air.
Inland 45 is the highest quality rough pump oil you can use for your mass spectrometer.
Industry standard die-cast aluminum clamp.
In Stainless and Aluminum.
Available with Viton® or Buna O-ring, this centering ring complete with O-ring should be used when joining any two NW flanges with a quick flange clamp.
Get a DeTech 2300 Electron Multiplier here.
Used in Agilent 5975 MSD (without TAD)/5973/5972/5971/5970/1100 LC-MSD mass spectrometers and backed by a 100% no-nonsense warranty. Developed by Detector Technology, Inc.
Hermetic, Sealed, In-line Oil Mist Separator For Mechanical Vacuum Pumps.
Quick action aluminum clamp with finger closure "T" knob for positive sealing of NW flanges.