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Product ID : 002897
002897 SGE Autosampler Syringes, Volume=10 µL, Length(mm)=42, Gauge=26, OD(mm)=0.47, Tip Style=Cone
More details on associated web pages:
- SGE Autosampler Syringes Autosampler Syringes available in dual and cone tip.
- SGE Autosampler Syringes
(Catalog D46)
Autosampler Syringes available in dual and cone tip.
Plungers are interchangeable on these syringes.
SGE HPLC products available from Scientific Instrument Services, Inc.
Syringes for your lab needs.
All stopcocks and movable joints in a high vacuum system must be satisfactorily lubricated, yet leak proof.
Shimadzu Septa are made with a high grade silicone material to minimize needle coring.
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