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Product ID : Z36
Z36 Vestec Ceramic Insulator, Dupont #=TUC0250, OD (in)=0.125, ID (in)=0.062, Thickness (in)=0.250
More details on associated web page:
Vestec Ceramic Insulators
Ceramic insulators for Vestec instruments.

We have changed the design slightly to help eliminate the common breakage problem where the leads enter the platinum resistance element.

This 8 watt, 24 volt source heater cartridge for the Finnigan MAT Incos 50 Source measures 3/16 inch in diameter by 1.0 inch long.

Heater cartridge No. SC2515 is used in the Finnigan 4000 source.

The tubes are constructed of a pure 99% alumina ceramic that has superior gas and vacuum tightness and excellent insulating properties even at elevated temperatures.

A wide variety of alumina ceramic washers.

The following alumina insulators are currently available for the Thermo instruments.

Alumina ceramics for the Incos 50 Source.

The following four hole alumina ceramic tube type insulators are available in six inch lengths.

A superior electrical insulation for Heaters, Elements and Furnaces