Price: 0
Product ID : V153
V153 O-Ring, Material=Viton[R], Nominal ID (in)=3 1/2, Nominal Width (in)=3/32, Actual ID (in)=3.487, Actual Width (in)=0.103
More details on associated web page:
- Viton® Composition O-Rings O-Rings are available in five different materials from Scientific Instrument Services.
O-Rings are available in five different materials from Scientific Instrument Services.
all types and sizes of
Micro-Mesh® Regular Sheets
Inland 45 is the highest quality rough pump oil you can use for your mass spectrometer.
Reduce chance of computer head crashes and Prevent carcinogenic and caustic fume emissions
The below listed vacuum flange copper gaskets are made from OFHC copper.
Copper used.
All gaskets are .080" thick.
The following copper and gold plated copper gaskets are available
for the vacuum flanges on Thermo/Finnigan mass spectrometers.