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Product ID : QF50X25
QF50X25 QF to QF Reducers, 304 Stainless, Tube Size=2 x 1, A=0.88, F1=2.95, F2=1.57, NW Flange=50 to 25
More details on associated web pages:
- QF to QF Reducers, 304 Stainless Union for connecting two different size NW flanges.
- NW Vacuum Fittings
(Catalog F67)
Hermetic, Sealed, In-line Oil Mist Separator For Mechanical Vacuum Pumps.
Quick action aluminum clamp with finger closure "T" knob for positive sealing of NW flanges.
Available with Viton® or Buna O-ring, this centering ring complete with O-ring should be used when joining any two NW flanges with a quick flange clamp.
Three NW flanges permit the union of several pump lines.
QF to QF Reducers, Aluminum fittings
The Model EO50/60 is a compact, fast warm-up air-cooled diffusion pump supplies complete with high integrity inlet Co-seal, and flange clamping ring. The jet assembly is removeable for easy cleaning.
Invoil 704 is a single component silicone diffusion pump fluid for high vacuums 10-6 to 10-8 torr range.