Price: 0
Product ID : 004300
004300 Fixed Needle, Volume=50 µL, Length=2", Gauge=22, OD=0.028"
More details on associated web pages:
- Beckman/Altex, Rheodyn, SSI, Valco Valves Syringes for your lab needs.
- SGE HPLC Syringes SGE HPLC products available from Scientific Instrument Services, Inc.
- SGE LC Autosampler & Manual Syringes
(Catalog E59)
SGE HPLC products available from Scientific Instrument Services, Inc.
Syringes for your lab needs.
Chromatography grade 316
SGE offers a wide variety of injection port liners.
HLPC - These sturdy fingertight plugs are made to hold tight, even if you drop
your column!