Price: 0
Product ID : V242
V242 O-Ring, Material=Viton[R], Nominal ID (in)=4, Nominal Width (in)=1/8, Actual ID (in)=3.984, Actual Width (in)=0.139
More details on associated web page:
- Viton® Composition O-Rings O-Rings are available in five different materials from Scientific Instrument Services.
O-Rings are available in five different materials from Scientific Instrument Services.
Seals are utilized in a variety of locations in the Short Path Thermal Desorption Unit.
Thermo Direct Probe Flared Vials
This convenient o-ring kit contains 30 of the most popular sizes, for a total of 380 o-rings, in one convenient kit.
Viton® O-Rings in many sizes.
all types and sizes of
GC septa by SGE for Varian.
Various GC septa by SGE for PE.
Various GC septa by SGE for Agilent.
Replacement or spare O-rings for centering rings.
The below listed vacuum flange copper gaskets are made from OFHC copper.
All gaskets are .080" thick.
The following copper and gold plated copper gaskets are available
for the vacuum flanges on Thermo/Finnigan mass spectrometers.