Price: 0
Product ID : V228
V228 O-Ring, Material=Viton[R], Nominal ID (in)=2 1/4, Nominal Width (in)=1/8, Actual ID (in)=2.234, Actual Width (in)=0.139
More details on associated web page:
- Viton® Composition O-Rings O-Rings are available in five different materials from Scientific Instrument Services.
O-Rings are available in five different materials from Scientific Instrument Services.
This convenient o-ring kit contains 30 of the most popular sizes, for a total of 380 o-rings, in one convenient kit.
all types and sizes of
A wide variety of alumina ceramic washers.
Replacement insulators for Agilent mass spectrometers.
The following ceramic insulators are made from high purity alumina ceramic.
The following alumina insulators are currently available for the Thermo instruments.
All insulators are constructed from high purity alumina
NanoVolume syringes have the ability to inject down to 50 nL with high precision and accuracy ensures SGE NanoVolume syringes are perfect for NanoVolume capillary chromatography injection and applications requiring small volumes.