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Product ID : RSC8
RSC8 Molecular Sieve Replacement 1lb 12oz Charge
More details on associated web page:
Molecular Sieve Foreline Traps
Molecular Sieve Traps are effective for trapping hydrocarbons and water vapor.

Available with Viton® or Buna O-ring, this centering ring complete with O-ring should be used when joining any two NW flanges with a quick flange clamp.

New filaments for your Agilent 5970 MSD.

A wide variety of alumina ceramic washers.

The following alumina insulators are currently available for the Thermo instruments.

Alumina ceramics for the Incos 50 Source.

O-Rings are available in five different materials from Scientific Instrument

Chromel is a nickel/chromium alloy used in the production of thermocouples and thermocouple extension wires.

Copper wire has an extremely high electrical conductivity making it highly suitable for electrical connections and thermal conductivity applications.

Inland 45 is the highest quality rough pump oil you can use for your mass spectrometer.

Seals are utilized in a variety of locations in the Short Path Thermal Desorption Unit.