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Assimilation Traps
The Assimilation Traps are similar to our Coaxial Foreline Traps in that they are used between the rough vacuum pump and the diffusion (or turbo) pump to prevent backstreaming of oil into the diffusion pump.

Available with Viton® or Buna O-ring, this reducing centering ring is for joining two different size NW flanges with a quick flange clamp.

The finest reusable worm gear clamps made.

The Assimilation Traps are similar to our Coaxial Foreline Traps in that they are used between the rough vacuum pump and the diffusion (or turbo) pump to prevent backstreaming of oil into the diffusion pump.

QF Stainless Steel Reducing Tees Fittings

In Stainless and Aluminum.

PVC cord reinforced vacuum hose.
Light weight, low cost, and superior corrosion resistance.
Ideal for mass spec, food, and other applications.