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Product ID : QF50200CS
QF50200CS Quick Flange Clamp, Material=Stainless, Tube Size=2, A=3.94, B=0.625, NW Flange Size=50
More details on associated web pages:
Quick Flange Clamp, Aluminum and Stainless
Quick action aluminum clamp with finger closure "T" knob for positive sealing of NW flanges.NW Vacuum Fittings
(Catalog F63)

Available with Viton® or Buna O-ring, this centering ring complete with O-ring should be used when joining any two NW flanges with a quick flange clamp.

In Brass and Aluminum and Stainless

Short Weld Flange, 304 Stainless fitting

Each 4-way cross has four NW flanges for up to 4 vacuum lines.

Industry standard die-cast aluminum clamp.

O-Rings are available in five different materials from Scientific Instrument Services.

This convenient o-ring kit contains 30 of the most popular sizes, for a total of 380 o-rings, in one convenient kit.

Replacement or spare O-rings for centering rings.

The tubes are constructed of a pure 99% alumina ceramic that has superior gas and vacuum tightness and excellent insulating properties even at elevated temperatures.