Price: 0
Product ID : JC2
JC2 Ceramic Insulator, JEOL Part #=620011394, OD (in)=0.281, ID (in)=0.203, Thickness (in)=0.097
More details on associated web pages:
- Ceramic Washer Insulators A wide variety of alumina ceramic washers.
- JEOL Ceramic Insulators Replacement insulators for your JEOL MS.
- Ceramic Insulators
(Catalog A60) - Perkin Elmer/JEOL MS Accessories
(Catalog B24)
A wide variety of alumina ceramic washers.
Replacement insulators for Nermag.
Replacement insulators for Agilent mass spectrometers.
The following ceramic insulators are made from high purity alumina ceramic.
A variety of alumina insulators. Call for custom sizes
Replacement insulators for your JEOL MS.
The below listed vacuum flange copper gaskets are made from OFHC copper.
S.I.S. carries copper and gold plated copper gaskets for the Varian Saturn.
The following copper and gold plated copper gaskets are available
for the vacuum flanges on Thermo/Finnigan mass spectrometers.