Price: 17.85
Product ID : CG275
CG275 Copper Gasket for Vacuum Flange, for Finnigan MAT, OD (in)=3.24, ID (in)=2.80, Fits Flange Size=4.50 in
More details on associated web pages:
- Copper Gaskets for Vacuum Flanges The below listed vacuum flange copper gaskets are made from OFHC copper.
- Copper and Gold Plated Copper Gaskets for Thermo/Finnigan MAT Flanges The following copper and gold plated copper gaskets are available for the vacuum flanges on Thermo/Finnigan mass spectrometers.
- Copper and Gold Plated Copper Gaskets for Ion Trap S.I.S. carries copper and gold plated copper gaskets for the Varian Saturn.
- Thermo O-Rings and Gold Gaskets
(Catalog B19) - Copper Gaskets
(Catalog F60)
The below listed vacuum flange copper gaskets are made from OFHC copper.
S.I.S. carries copper and gold plated copper gaskets for the Varian Saturn.
The following copper and gold plated copper gaskets are available
for the vacuum flanges on Thermo/Finnigan mass spectrometers.
Quality replacement filaments for your Ion Trap mass spectrometer. For Saturn model 2000, 2100, 2200 series
All gaskets are .080" thick.
Copper used.
Filaments for your Agilent 5989 mass spectrometer.
A variety of alumina insulators. Call for custom sizes
The following alumina insulators are currently available for the Thermo instruments.
All insulators are constructed from high purity alumina
Micro-Mesh® Craftsman Kits