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Product ID : CFT752K
CFT752K Coaxial Foreline Trap, Body OD (in)=4, Tubulation=NW16 flange - NW16 flange, Intended Pump Size (CFM)=7
More details on associated web pages:
- Coaxial Foreline Traps The CFT Series traps are an effective design, which reduces mechanical pump backstreaming to the vacuum chamber.
- Molecular Sieve Foreline Traps
(Catalog F56)
The CFT Series traps are an effective design, which reduces mechanical pump backstreaming to the vacuum chamber.
O-Rings are available in five different materials from Scientific Instrument Services.
Nickel wire provides good corrosion resistance. It is most suitable for use in electronic components, temperature sensors, electrical resistance thermometers and other electrical applications.
Industry standard die-cast aluminum clamp.
Replacement or spare O-rings for centering rings.
Quick action aluminum clamp with finger closure "T" knob for positive sealing of NW flanges.
For connecting rubber or plastic hose to NW flanges.
Available with Viton® or Buna O-ring, this centering ring complete with O-ring should be used when joining any two NW flanges with a quick flange clamp.